Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Pain - Listening to the voices in our head


Stop Listening and putting up with the little negative voices, How do they make you feel? 

You have a choice!

Sound familiar, why not act with one Life Coaching session with me, responsible for working with thousands of people including transformation Personal Discovery Journey in 

Windsor Castle.Just like these people below all in one days work.......

The Daily internal Voices below that distract you from building a bright future, 

"I am stuck"

" I am fed up"
"  Why always me"
" This workload is outrageous"
" Where has the time gone"
" Hello, I am here you know"
" You can never have it all"
" How can I never get family and business balance right"
" I cannot take this pressure at home or at work"
" I have no life, I am burned out -- exhausted"
" No one really values or appreciates me, My boss doesn't have a clue of all I am capable of"
" I do not feel especially needed - not at work, by my teenage and grown children, not by my neighbours and community, not by my spouse - except to pay the bills"
" I am frustrated and discouraged"
"I am not making enough to make ends meet, I never seem to get ahead."
"Maybe I just don't have what it takes"
" I am not making a difference"
"I feel empty inside, My life lacks meanings; something missing."
"I am angry, I am scared, I cant afford to lose my job"
"I am lonely"
"I am stressed out, everything s urgent"
" I am micro managed and suffocating"
" I am sick of all the back stabbing politics and kissing up"
" I am bored - just putting in my time - most of my satisfactions come off the job"
" I am just too busy"
" I am under pressure to hit my targets. The pressure to produce is unbelievable, I simply don't have the time or resources to do it all"
" With a partner who doesn't understand, and kids who don't listen, it is no better at home than at work to be honest"
" I cant change things"

These are the voices of people at work and at home. The pain is personal and its deep, you will relate with many statements above, what's most general one for you

These Internal dialogues can be changed for a new world for 2014, the voices in your head can be changed very easily, how you view the reality of your world can and will be changed, until you are completely fed up with your current reality then you will accept and stand up for change.

Book now and experience the change instantly, its easy to stay where you are.... its just about one thing, making better choices and decisions. 

Book Now - Change your thoughts, Change your world!

Mobile 07780 333627

“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life twenty years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.” Stevie Kidd

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