Sunday 15 May 2016

Inside My Mind - The Endurance Mind - How it all started

So what was the Vision and what was the mindset I would require to empower me to accomplish what I mapped out below....

The Vision  and legacy is ....

So to date Great Wall of China marathon complete, also 2 weeks from today's date, the Liverpool marathon followed by Kilimanjaro Climb and Marathon..

So where did it all begin ......... Well I was in Villamoura on holiday and took a call from a professional football manager, who was wanting to explore and utilise my coaching services. So we made a commitment to meet and explore what the potential partnership would look like. 

I knew before I entered the hotel where we met that I really only had one burning question I wanted an answer to, I also knew what the answer would be, but also knew unless he allowed and gave himself permission to be free of the limiting beliefs and beliefs embedded to his nervous system he would never achieve his full potential.. The beliefs were embedded throughout his career and within the football profession.

So what was the question...

As I leaned over the table after 10 minutes of listening to him  I said " Excuse me Derek Can you answer this question, Do you believe that within 5 years you could be leading Real Madrid onto a football park"? His response and Neurology response gave me my clarification that we were on opposite maps, as could see he seen this as complete impossible goal to set, in fact the look I received I knew it was not even in his thought process of this lifetime which for me was a shame as I believed he could achieve anything, When people use me as a coach, its about excellence and being the absolute best you can be but creating a legacy.." Its about going into the invisible to create the visible..

It was in this moment exactly my world changed. I was now entering myself internally asking myself challenging questions and escaping the hotel room, I heard these voices in my head challenge myself, I remember it distinctly screaming at me loudly , 

"You challenge these goals of others but what about you, what you doing Stevie Kidd"?. 

So I made a commitment that day, I would partner Derek for a season go way beyond what he asked for and start to map out my own endurance journey of what was the invisible for me but make it become visible.. 

It was a long drive home that day, one where I was disorientated but let the thoughts settle and fog clear for me to find a starting point, a first step... When I returned home that night I never went to gym, After sitting for a while I put shorts and t shirt on and just ran. It felt like I was running forever but as I stopped about 0.5 miles down the road out of breath I thought this could be it, but where would it lead to for me in my life.. It was the worst feeling I had ever had and was a lengthy pain all over my body. When I returned home Ryan my son said, "thought you were going for a run"?, my response " I just did champ" 

I immediately sat at PC and put in 10 hardest marathons in the world, I found china at 3 and signed up and also signed my wife up for 8.5km, I think I let Lesley know 6 weeks later..

I have found endurance is something that empowers you to really soul search yourself within, you self discover who you are but continually find more answers to questions, With training most of my life but not in endurance the first awareness you have is pain, as the pain is longer lasting and you have to sustain the threshold longer than other sports. The more you allow it to be your passion the more the pain escapes you..

Once I did a marathon, I thought, I think I can go further than this.’ I wanted to explore not only my physical limits but my mental confines.” I asked Doug White of Tampa Bay  to help me in training and mentor me in exploring my 2020 vision map. It had to be more than just run a marathon. 

Two weeks today I run the Liverpool, it just proves the power of your thoughts and taking action, remember this journey basically started with a mirror reflection to myself because I was paying attention at so many levels, what messages are you missing out on..