Monday 18 July 2016


My first session back .. Peter Kennedy spin class at David Lloyd which is a very tough class , very educated man on spin class and cycling amazing athlete ... I know its tough as unable to train after class..

I start with end in my mind and during the recovery period from Kilimanjaro I was carrying out multiple visualizations and timelines and attaching sensory acuity through to end of 2017, even at times floating down and feeling the events of the future.

 As I start to train I look at building the master piece of a canvas where each jigsaw piece represents the perfect strategy to achieving these goals  ..

So here are main events..

169 days run 4 days and cover 80 km just under two marathons in Disney ..Lesley Kidd joining me and going half marathon .. This takes me to 4 marathons in 4 continents and Lesley to her second half marathon

293 days family marathon in Rome to celebrate Lesley 50th birthday,, Lesley wanted to see sights so I found out marathon runs through them all ... Ryan Kidd joining us and doing his first ever marathon .. Amazing ..

527 days I trek 17 days up Everest then run.a marathon

I achieve many things by pushing the limits.

1 Great bond and stronger relationships with family.
2 Creating a Legacy
3 My own personal Growth and transformation
4 Inspire my customers and people within my business.
5 The clients I coach accelerate to a whole knew level.
6 I become a better leader and person.
7 I constantly reinvent myself which then leads to setting bigger goals that make me even more emotional when I think about them.
8 Make a difference and raise money for worth while charities..
9 Meet amazing people around the world who are like minded.
10 It leads to innovation, as I train and do events I challenge myself to challenge reality and create something that does not exist today..

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

My personal THANKS TO Dr Bandler and Tony Robbins, two people I have developed myself under for many years..two people who changed my world completely in so many ways.. stevie kidd

Thursday 14 July 2016

All I ask is use your imagination please --Below is example of a moment in Kilimanjaro - Video is in darkness because thats what you do on last day to summit..

Best way to get most from this is just imagine the scenario after reading what is below.. before you watch clip... in the clip I am at 18200 feet and can see nothing.... but I have head lamp on..
Tonight I was delighted to have been given update on Kilimanjaro edited footage, we will not have long to wait now to see the journey..
Some facts first, when I left Kilimanjaro airport this huge plane was in the air 20 minutes then I seen top of Kilimanjaro when I looked out my window, also when I headed from London to Glasgow, the flight said it was at 5352 m, Kilimanjaro is just under 6000m, all these different scenarios puts everything into perspective..
This piece of film you cannot see anything really as this is me climbing to summit at last part of 6 day climb, amazing 6 days to climb 2 days to come of 53 miles.. So Let me set the seen for you..
We left a base camp at 8am ( half way point) this morning to trek on foot to Kibo camp ,which is another camp that sits right below Kilimanjaro, this took what felt forever as when I reached Kibo it affected emotionally. On trek we came though a snow blizzard and was all uphill as you would expect, I was more overwhelmed than anything I think as this journey started from a non runner proving a point about the mind. From this camp we have around 6 hours to Gillian point and 8 hours to actual Kilimanjaro summit, now at Gillian point you can turn back or go to summit, I chose to carry on....

At Kibo we sit at around 17500 feet with over 2000 feet vertical climb in snow, ice and rocks... so when we arrive at Kibo you are told no sleep, as dinner will be in 2 hours, then you sleep for 2 hours.You are then woken up at 1030pm by your guide team who are still smiling and laughing to be fed and mentored for you to prepare for the climb in the dark from 11pm... I went outside and felt the wind, snow, and coldness, I looked up and could see nothing but small light bulbs, maybe 6 all the way up... Fred looks at me and says, " Do not worry, do what your strategy tells you to do, mirror me all the way, and before we start he says, you are not carrying a bag, you have carried one to this point but now is too dangerous, I agreed...
Before we left to start climb , I stood outside with a tear running down my cheek and for a few minutes relived the journey to date, but for me to do the following its rare, but I came to the actual moment and embraced it looked at the mountain in darkness and stillness , I lived in the present and cried and not ashamed to say that, after about ten minutes I brushed myself down, let the fear escape me and said Fred I am ready my friend...
At this point I knew deep inside this was going to be the most I would grow on the journey and beliefs would change within me, you have to just imagine it, its vertical and you tackle it like multiple sssssssss all the way up.... this will absolutely live with me this part for a very long time.... in fact all my life,, the day and night I reached Kilimanjaro where I walked for 20 hours with 4 hours rest really... the top of the summit, well was so real for me..... I am sure the VT will demonstrate the life journey I have went on... it changed me in so many ways.. I can see , hear and feel my spirit within me every second of everyday... a feeling a freedom, enlightenment and love..... xx

Vt Will give you feel for experience..

Thursday 7 July 2016

Stevie Kidd & Prudential Partnership -- Customer Case study and Evaluation.

This is example where corporate companies use my Consulting / Coaching Services to support the Business. In this Case it was financial and insurance Business Prudential, this was the Evaluation of the partnership working.. I worked with a few hundred people within business, 2 months to plan partnership working .. 

Prudential Objective

Prudential Wanted a partnership with someone who could help the people of the business to think differently. Also to mentor the people of the business  to understand that change is inevitable and how having the right mindset can get you through any change. Also Support the people to understand that their actions will have either a positive or negative reaction, We want our people to look at our customers in a different way and understand signals that they give as well as looking past a customers issue to get to the real issues they have to ensure we deliver the best possible service for our customers.

Leaders and People feedback

So we were looking for someone who was personable and engaging, looking back we defiantly got that from Stevie Kidd and more...

We evaluated that a very high percentage of the people of prudential got Stevie in so many ways, We were looking for someone to plant seeds in peoples minds about what they could do differently and how they could influence the business with the intention of the leadership team continuing this work through sessions and growing the seed that had been planted. This certainly has happened as many people have continued to talk about you and use examples from your time with us, its evident a big seed is about how we can continually improve as a team and as individuals. The people in the business are on a very high since you came and worked with us all.

Personal Touch.. and impact you made...

We also have a high volume of people who took a lot of personal reflection from Stevie's time with us, especially in how to look at things differently in your life as well as what they do in work. I can understand this, as your work is all people focused and for us this was something that all levels of staff involved could relate to.

When witnessing the volume of people who wanted one to one time this was big indicator on how you had touched everyone and how big an impact you had actually made..

New Pilot for us at prudential...

This was our first time bringing in external support  and we were very skeptical about how it would land. I also felt we aimed to high in attempting to achieve 75% success rate and engagement rate . In the evaluation we are delighted to say it was a success our people are talking about how it will absolutely improve their lives, how it will improve customer relations but also improve peoples roles in our business which really is fantastic.

We feel and see the mindset of the teams has changed since you came in and worked with us as peoples buy into change is quick now. The people come across more engaged in the business now and link into the business goals more.

We are absolutely delighted in engaging with Stevie Kidd, he is unique and his work is transformational as his work proves.Our time was a great success.

G Whiteford Prudential ...

Comments from the people of Prudential..

" That was more than I could have asked for"
"Stevie is a very inspirational man"
"What I took, the only person that can change things for me is me"
" Being around him makes you feel very motivated"
" Need to push myself more"
" Anything is possible if you have the right mindset"
" In business I will now support, listen and challenge"
"He is one productive guy"
" I want to achieve more"
" His life is his messages"
"I will improve all the relationships I have in business and life"
" I need to learn more about our business"
" Stevie working with us empowers you to Self Reflect"
"Thought Provoking which we all need"
" Stevie work is more than about business as its about the whole person and each individual person, because everyone matters"
" This will help us as a team and as a business" 

When I engage with partners its about what the end looks like for the customer. At this point I look beyond that result to exceed expectations beyond comprehension. It a lot of time planning to allow us to bring the jigsaw pieces together as a partnership. A lot is about Business, Customer but also about the individual person and linking everything. As I say to people where you are is where you are meant to be, we cannot have 100% success all the time, but in Prudential case we had 75% to 80% success as a partnership we are delighted.. Stevie Kidd

Sunday 15 May 2016

Inside My Mind - The Endurance Mind - How it all started

So what was the Vision and what was the mindset I would require to empower me to accomplish what I mapped out below....

The Vision  and legacy is ....

So to date Great Wall of China marathon complete, also 2 weeks from today's date, the Liverpool marathon followed by Kilimanjaro Climb and Marathon..

So where did it all begin ......... Well I was in Villamoura on holiday and took a call from a professional football manager, who was wanting to explore and utilise my coaching services. So we made a commitment to meet and explore what the potential partnership would look like. 

I knew before I entered the hotel where we met that I really only had one burning question I wanted an answer to, I also knew what the answer would be, but also knew unless he allowed and gave himself permission to be free of the limiting beliefs and beliefs embedded to his nervous system he would never achieve his full potential.. The beliefs were embedded throughout his career and within the football profession.

So what was the question...

As I leaned over the table after 10 minutes of listening to him  I said " Excuse me Derek Can you answer this question, Do you believe that within 5 years you could be leading Real Madrid onto a football park"? His response and Neurology response gave me my clarification that we were on opposite maps, as could see he seen this as complete impossible goal to set, in fact the look I received I knew it was not even in his thought process of this lifetime which for me was a shame as I believed he could achieve anything, When people use me as a coach, its about excellence and being the absolute best you can be but creating a legacy.." Its about going into the invisible to create the visible..

It was in this moment exactly my world changed. I was now entering myself internally asking myself challenging questions and escaping the hotel room, I heard these voices in my head challenge myself, I remember it distinctly screaming at me loudly , 

"You challenge these goals of others but what about you, what you doing Stevie Kidd"?. 

So I made a commitment that day, I would partner Derek for a season go way beyond what he asked for and start to map out my own endurance journey of what was the invisible for me but make it become visible.. 

It was a long drive home that day, one where I was disorientated but let the thoughts settle and fog clear for me to find a starting point, a first step... When I returned home that night I never went to gym, After sitting for a while I put shorts and t shirt on and just ran. It felt like I was running forever but as I stopped about 0.5 miles down the road out of breath I thought this could be it, but where would it lead to for me in my life.. It was the worst feeling I had ever had and was a lengthy pain all over my body. When I returned home Ryan my son said, "thought you were going for a run"?, my response " I just did champ" 

I immediately sat at PC and put in 10 hardest marathons in the world, I found china at 3 and signed up and also signed my wife up for 8.5km, I think I let Lesley know 6 weeks later..

I have found endurance is something that empowers you to really soul search yourself within, you self discover who you are but continually find more answers to questions, With training most of my life but not in endurance the first awareness you have is pain, as the pain is longer lasting and you have to sustain the threshold longer than other sports. The more you allow it to be your passion the more the pain escapes you..

Once I did a marathon, I thought, I think I can go further than this.’ I wanted to explore not only my physical limits but my mental confines.” I asked Doug White of Tampa Bay  to help me in training and mentor me in exploring my 2020 vision map. It had to be more than just run a marathon. 

Two weeks today I run the Liverpool, it just proves the power of your thoughts and taking action, remember this journey basically started with a mirror reflection to myself because I was paying attention at so many levels, what messages are you missing out on..

Friday 15 January 2016

Testimonials - What people have said over the years from people to Businesses.........

What can I say, Stevie is a larger than life guy bald with a broad Scottish accent, he has eyes which speak to you beyond words and a laugh which reaches into your soul. Stevie is like NO-ONE I have ever met, he is a one off, the real deal, a true entrepreneur with a unique alignment with human behaviour and an ability to connect with people. I watch him in situation as he engages with the receptionist at the hotel, the girl behind the counter at the coffee shop, the waitress in the restaurant, service users, support workers, team leaders and managers across our business. He believes with every fibre of his being in people and it is his DNA to support and guide others to be the best they can be. You engage with this man be prepared for your business and your life to change forever, mine did as did others previous to me. You will get the life you want guaranteed.

J Watkins Managing Director Livewell Ltd

“You are one special person Stevie whose talents make a real difference in people’s lives, it has been a privilege to have been in your company.” – John Cunningham - Managing Director, Border Biscuits

Three months later and the business and personal shifts are nothing short of amazing. The business is on a different journey with so many more possibilities, and there is a renewed energy through the people. Everyone that Stevie meets, whether inside or external to the company, gets an experience that they don’t forget and it’s an experience just to watch.
Stevie is not “on the clock”, he never stops working for us as a board and a business; I suspect he is still working for us in his sleep and what he delivers is far in excess of what I could have ever imagined.
He has released a positive energy in me that I had forgotten was there. I have far more focus on my own wellbeing and on my family and friends. This is not just about business, it about a whole life change. I am very much a work in progress and it will be a long journey, no doubt with some relapses along the way, but I am definitely less stressed and feel healthier. Interestingly I have not had a migraine since I met Stevie (I have averaged 2 a week for years) and have stopped taking the tablets. That’s worth it in itself. Finance Director

We are delighted to have Stevie Kidd as a mentor within Scottish Enterprise, Some leaders will think he is off the scale, but we have known Stevie for many years and he gets results and is always dynamic and positive. Carol Scottish enterprise.

“Stevie Kidd is a highly motivational guy who, with his passion, can and will enhance your life by motivating you to achieve your goals and to become better in your own endeavours.”  – Richard Bandler, NLP Co-founder 

“Understatement: I am changing in front of your eyes.” – Financial Director 

“The future is huge” – Entrepreneur 

“It’s like lying on top of a high speed train  holding on as it screams through a tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at the other side.” – Kenneth S. Morrison, Dip PFS - Director, Advanced Financial Strategies Limited “

I just don’t want it to end. Thoughts become clearer, sense of fear, trepidation, excitement, new world, Limitless” – Parminder Purewal - General Manager, Normandy Hotel 

“What you did this morning was one of the most unselfish things I have ever witnessed. I doubt anyone in the room at this present time can even begin to measure what you are giving us, me included. But this much I do know someday soon I am going to get hit side on by a train going at 180mph, and the name of this train is, aye you guessed it, the group is growing in strength every day. It is remarkable.” – Alan Thornburrow - Chief Executive, Scottish Investment Operations

 “I have almost found it impossible to express in words the journey I undertook with stevie kidd 3 days ago now. He gave his heart and soul to us, and we gave ours back. Life changing is not to overstate what we were taught. We are through the passage now and magic awaits us, every day in our future lives, and friendships made that will last a lifetime. In a word: Unforgettable” – Lisa Dunlop - Organisational Development Manager 

you want to see your business grow, get more from your staff and deliver beyond excellent service, then Stevie Kidd will help you deliver.” – Karen McNulty – HR Director, Cosmopolitan Hotels

“The barriers to accomplishment have pretty much disappeared.” – Kevin Grant – Operations Manager, FedEx

“As the Chairman of a large and successful hotel chain, even I sometimes need support and assistance to separate the trees from the wood. As a leader it can be difficult to take a step back and honestly appraise your own work, being so close to it? Stevie has brought his unique, no nonsense approach and 25 years experience of business to support me  and my businesses. He has made significant and positive changes in, how I see my business, how others see my business (including customers) how it’s growing,  and how I get the best from my staff. His impact has been extraordinary and has impacted on every element of my business. If you want to see your business grow, get more from your staff and deliver beyond excellent service, then Stevie Kidd will help you deliver in all areas of business.” – Mr. Bo Purewall – Chairman, Hotel Chain

Stevie Kidd is the most inspiring person I have had the pleasure to meet , If you are looking for transformational change personally or in your business then here is the Golden key to unlock your door.

Operations Director 

“This guy is inspirational, there will not be a day goes by for the rest of my life that I will not refer to something I have learned from this great man.”

Lynn Campbell, MIRP CertRP - Head of Staffplus, Staffplus Recruitment

I have had the pleasure of working alongside some incredibly inspirational people. None more so than Stevie Kidd, who over the last five years has repeatedly demonstrated immense insight and a unique ability to see and feel exactly what needs to be said or done to make huge shifts and positive change.
Whether it be a leadership and executive coach/consultant, or as a man whose passion for changing the world of those less fortunate, he gives not just his mind, but his heart and soul.

You can not fail to be amazed by his limitless energy and drive, his disarming charm, and the shear joy he brings to his relationships. As for the results he gets, they are always far beyond what you thought possible... but Stevie Kidd doesn't just deal in the possible. Stevie's mission in life is to show that the possible is just what we know right now, and that beyond that lies an opportunity and creativity that drives the future of your true potential for success.

This isn't just a recommendation about Stevie Kidd, this is a wake up call to anyone out there who "thinks" they have a problem they cant solve, or goal they cant reach... stop kidding yourself, and get aligned to natural congruent success and potential with the direction and support of this incredible man

Darran Hughes
Business Development and On-line Sales Consultant

“Your organisation’s culture and eventual success grows from the expectations of its individuals. It’s my job to raise those expectations through the roof.”  Stevie Kidd

Stevie Kidd Awards over last 15 years:  
      Lifetime achievement award
      Director of the Year Award
·         Youth Innovation Development Employer of the Year Award
·         Highland Collation award Employ ability and Changing People’s Lives
·         Disaster Planning Award for Corporate Organisations
·         Community Road Safety award
·         British Telecom : Award for Beyond Excellence in Service and Innovation   Customer Service of       the Year award
·         IIP each year accreditation ( over 8 years)