Wednesday 23 April 2014



Attention is directed through the senses. When we pay attention on the outside , you amplify your thinking. By paying attention on the inside, you become more sensitive to your own thoughts and feelings, more sure of yourself and more able to give your attention to the outside.

Our concious attention is limited to about 7 things, but unconsciously we notice much more, I am always curious where people spend most of the awakening state, is it internally or externally, I do understand the opportunities are in the outside but understanding yourself in the inside is always important as knowing who you are leads to more opportunities in the outside, creating an antenna for your senses to trigger the opportunities.

I know you will agree you miss some things because you favour a certain sense when processing information, so may notice a lot visually , but not listen so much. After talking to someone, you may remember what they looked like very well, but may not be so clear about what they said or their voice tone. In the other hand you may listen well, but not be visually acute. after a conversation you may remember what was said and the nuances of the voice tone, but not remember what the person was wearing or looked like. You may also simply pay attention to feeling. You may remember feelings and emotions and intuitions from a conversation, maybe a sense of empathy, but will not be so clear about the details of what was said or what the other person looked like.

I spend most of my time in a nature trail, exercising my senses as much as going to the gym to exercise my body, I challenge my weaknesses, I train my weaker senses, I am visual, but spend a lot of my time exercising my weak senses. I train my auditory closing my eyes listening for the birds from 360 around me, even started to name them. hearing multiple sounds at once,it will be uncomfortable , but you will learn more by doing this...........

" If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got, And there is always more"

What are you aware of in your body?

We frequently attempt to blank out signals that we do not like instead of paying attention to them. When you 
pay real attention, you will be able to understand and appreciate yourself at a deeper level. Simply being aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and states without attempting to change them. Simply the more we become aware of our internal world, the more we do appreciate who we are and come to know ourselves.

Each day take time  to explore the internal awareness within you, its called " Personal Inventory"

Taking a Personal Inventory 

1) Sit Quietly for a few moments and become aware of your body.
What are you mostly aware of?
What feelings do you have in your body?

2) Start at you feet and let your awareness move up your body.
Feel the connection between all the parts of the body.
Which parts feel at ease and which parts feel uncomfortable?

3) What thoughts do you have?
Look at the mental pictures , if you have any at the moment.
What are the qualities of these pictures? Do they move quickly or slowly or are they still?
Whereabouts in your visual field are they located?
How far away do they seem to be?

4) What sounds do you hear in your mind?
Are you self talking to yourself?
What sort of voice quality does this have?
Are there any other sounds?
Where do they seem to be coming from?

5)How is your sense of balance?
Do you feel as if your leaning too far to one side or too far backwards or forwards?

6) What emotional state are you in?
What is your main emotion?
Simply be aware of it without trying to change anything.

7) Come back to awakening state

An inventory does not try to change anything, only to pay attention internally

Wednesday 16 April 2014

What the people say about the experience when entering into a partnership with Stevie that creates instant change......

When I initially meet people I see more potential in the peoples potential  than they see in themselves, when we go to work this is some of things that can happen, see below............ Stevie Kidd

Stevie is a guy who “gets it”. After meeting you he has ability to look into the future and take a sneak glimpse of what you could actually achieve. He lives the journey with you as if you have already achieved the goals; it’s as if he is standing at end of movie waiting on you allowing you to feel it though every one of your senses. You are then given permission, where you can take a sneak preview of what is above the possible and what is above Excellence.   He will take you with him, if you let him, and he also finds ways to get you thinking completely differently, which in my book is outside of the box to help you draw your own conclusions, as bottom line is, it’s your choice if you get it, which I think is the art of great coaching.   He sees the bigger picture & has a way of jumping into your world & seeing things that you wouldn't always see, a style which can be thought provoking and challenging for you. He’s passionate about people & his energy & enthusiasm is infectious” Very soon after meeting Stevie I had a real sense that he understood what I was trying to achieve. He seemed to be able to jump into my shoes and fast forward to where I want to be then bring it back to the current day and map out all the steps to support me in where we needed to get to, he definitely sees the world differently and if you decide to work with him your life will change and take you to an unbelievable outcome for the better.

Senior Executive of Corporate organisation Canary Wharf.

The coaches at Personal Mastery Boot Camp 1 were amazing, thanks for all the training and passing on your knowledge to me and Linda. We absolutely loved every minute of it and will be doing it again in the future thanks again guys.

Chris&Linda Robertson Personal Mastery Boot Camp 1

I thought Stevie Kidd's Personal Mastery Course sounded intense. And it was.. .. but not in the way I expected. It's intense because the approach taken is holistic; it's much more than a boot camp type fitness course. It's intense because it makes you stop and think about who you are and what you want out of life. It's intense because over the course of 4 weeks you can feel the changes in your mindset and body and way you eat and see the impact it is having on the others on the course. I can't recommend it highly enough if you're looking to kick start a change in your life. It made Sundays enjoyable,  fun and thought provoking and offered an opportunity to try out different forms of fitness training with 4 superb trainers - give it a shot.. you may be surprised how much you get out of it !

Lesley Nicolson College Lecturer

I knew this Personal Mastery Boot Camp was getting results instantly when I sat in my office and my boss asked what I was doing because whatever it was the results were absolutely visual for everyone to see.

Mark McGurn Barclays Bank

With 3 young children and both my husband and I in demanding jobs time was scarce and life was taking it toll. Lack of energy, low fitness levels and the feeling that the humdrum of life had taken over. 

Four weeks of boot camp and things have turned around. I lost 5 pounds in just one week and the weight loss continues. Fitness levels are massively improved for all of us and the whole family are full of energy and raring to go.

We have set new goals and challenges that we are already achieving. Clearing debts, securing ourselves financially and them looking to do those things we have always dreamed of.

4 weeks ago none of this seemed possible and now it is becoming a reality. I would recommend Personal Mastery boot camp to anyone. Mums that feel they have lost their own identity, young folk wanting to set goals and get guidance in their lives, couples who are looking to build a great future, businessmen/woman wanting to succeed.....there's something for everyone.

Jules Spence Personal Mastery Boot Camp 2 delegate

Some of What the customers said about where they are after three weeks on personal mastery Boot Camp.

"Enlightened" " Surprised" " Feeling Fantastic" " Sore " " Freedom" " its Unique that's for sure" "Much fitter" " Feeling awesome" " Flabbergasted" " Different person" "Understand emotions and vision now"

The boot camp was an amazing experience and I was proud to be part of it.

I came into boot camp in week 1 quite naïve as I really only expected a fitness boot camp and not everything else that was on offer. What I discovered is that I actually benefited massively from the other aspects of the boot camp as well as the fitness side. John explained the nutritional side so well and took the time to send me my macronutrient breakdown so I can plan meals better and know what my macronutrient split should be and this will be invaluable. I have also started to take vitamin and fish oil supplements off the back of the advice given.

The other area that really opened my eyes was the life coaching element done by you. I have never previously considered life coaching as something I needed but when listening to you talk a lot of your advice really resonated with me and I could see areas of my life that I could really improve by using some of your teachings. As well as a better level of fitness I feel now that the things I have learned at the boot camp will improve all areas of my life from personal to family to professional. The boot camp has also given me the drive to really boost my fitness level and do something active in the evenings rather than sit in front of the TV looking for something to watch.

Thank you to the whole team and I’ll be back for the pay as you go boot camp in the near future.

David Spence Personal Mastery Boot Camp 2

I feel like I have made a change, and climbed the biggest hurdle I had put in front of myself, stopping smoking. I don't even think about buying a pack of cigarettes from the shop in the morning, the thought hasn't even crossed my mind. The last time I bought a pack of cigarettes was on the 4th April,

Biggest investment you can make, it's simple it's challenging, it's thought provoking at times, it's relentless, but you stick with it the rewards are enormous, 

Ryan Janson Distribution co ordinator

Thank you both very much much for the most enjoyable experience I have had in such a long time. Personal Mastery boot camp was phenomenal and I learned so much about me. An amazing physical , mental and emotional journey through which I am now a very different person from the person who rocked up on week one. I feel physically great and have so much more energy to do things thanks to the nutritional advice. I now know who I am , what I am and have a plan to reach my outcomes and I like the new me much more than the old me.

Ian Edgar
Regional manger
Personal mastery boot camp 2 delegate

Having taken in part in Stevie Kidd coaching programme and also the NLP Practitioner training and moving on to the leadership retreat at Windsor Castle, I am fully convinced of the power to shift mind sets and change lives.  
What I have loved about both learning experiences is how the skills taught, crossover between work and home life. My own personal experience was great improvement in relationships with all around me at home and at work. I left Windsor castle an improved human being, with an increased zest for life and feel in total control of the more stretching goals I now set.  
More importantly those feelings remain with me now, weeks after the event. The many learning’s and shared experiences on the event have prompted me to make subtle changes in my life which have greatly enhanced the quality.  
Investing in you is talent, especially when doing it every day, it becomes part of who you are, and feeds off to everyone within your personal and business circle. 

Kevin Grant, Senior Executive, FedEx   

I had enrolled onto Stevie Kidd coaching and Boot Camp programme for Personal Enhancement and to support my career and personal progression and was introduced to John as part of the programme, so for over 3 months now I have really embraced the journey of coaching, fitness, Nutrition and some martial art disciplines. During the journey I realised immediately that my awareness and sharpness within in my mind was accelerating. My focus on goals I wanted achieve were becoming much clearer, also making a decision to get up at 05:31am to start training was not an easy one but one that became a driver and part of my daily routine. My team and people around me were starting to see all the changes have an impact on me in work and personally. I also noticed standing back and looking at me that during this journey I had 4 or 5 big life decisions to make, if I had not started this programme I am not sure I would have made the best informed choices for my path ahead of me. So I am definitely more aware of decisions I make that have impact on my future.

My fitness levels have improved massively & the benefits in my business have been tangible as well, helping me to be more alert at the start of my day & stay focused throughout.

Stevie and John have a real motivational style that has certainly worked to get the best out of me & help me towards achieving my physical & professional goals. I am now delighted to say I am about to take my next career step as I lead a part of the business which has a turnover of £300 million, due to my years of dedication to this business, but I feel in a different place mentally due to this style of training that has now became part of me.

Stephen Russell M & S

Taking your self into the unknown and out your comfort zone is where you will accelerate in your life, like your right foot, what happens if you go in another direction, try another destination, no matter who you are, enquire now to see what Coaching or Personal Mastery Boot Camp could do for you, like the people above its creating "INSTANT CHANGE".

Thank You 

Contact Details :  

Thursday 10 April 2014

Leading from the inside out - Discover Your "Personal Mastery"

"You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spirit being that is your real self. Dont turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them. you're always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or different past"

I am very fortunate, that in my life I am grateful to be trusted to support and coach many people to achieve a much more fulfilled life. In the beginning of our partnership we have to look at the yesterday and today's world, what is the reality today, which I know you will be able to relate to, as I do,

  • How do I become the person I want to be?
  • I want more confidence?
  • I am currently more than what I am actually living?
  • I am stressed as a manger in my workplace?
  • I have just not enough time in the day?
  • I never get that job or promotion?
  • I can never get fit?
  • I try to eat healthy?
  • I want a better relationship with my kids?
  • I want the magic back, the feeling when I first met my partner or held my children for first time?
  • I find it hard to communicate with my teenagers?
  • Me and my partner are living separate lives?
  • How do I become more successful in what I do?
  • Why do I worry so much?
  • How can I become a leader in all areas of my life?
  • I want to be more happy and fulfilled?
  • Why cant I make a decision?
  • I drink too much?
  • I am stuck and cannot move on?
  • Why do my moods go up and down?
  • How do I stop overeating?
  • How do I change my habits?
  • I am angry all the time?
  • I cannot get over my marriage break up?
  • I struggle to get on with my boss?
  • How do I make my relationship work?
  • How do I make my business successful or more successful?
  • I just want a relationship?

In the beginning of our partnership, we start by acknowledging ..........

 " Listen you were not born with this "challenge", Can we agree on that initially"? 

I am always fascinated with the Human imagination, If we could all go onto achieving all our goals in what we actually imagined for ourselves, what would life be like for us, what would it really look like and feel like? " what is this magical place"?, what is it you see, hear, feel........."?

Actually how many of us actually believe what we imagine, we can actually go out and strive to achieve all those thoughts, I love my job because its my job to bring this to reality for you.

"Living each day knowing you know nothing in comparison to what is to know about the planet and universe, what would happen to your thinking about the future and the areas in your life, just a thought" 

Starting point for me is a very simple one, "What was the yesterday and today agenda", but now more importantly lets explore the tomorrow agenda..........., we then embrace a timeline of a journey as we are now at the starting line to accelerate you to achieving the new you, the one you cry and scream in side to be. 

Its Time to glow................................ Are you Ready...............?

For over 30 years I have been obsessed with the stories people tell us from all walks of life, through the language, "What do people tell themselves and what language do the use, what do they actually assume and believe in the world they live in", Back in the 1970s and 1980s I studied why society was split into two worlds. I would watch and listen how the working class were inspired to train and maintain a trade but never inspired to own the business. Limitations were set within societies, through to education, never having a real FOCUS on Physical fitness, a real understanding on Nutrition, What was a enterprise?, to really understanding who you are and what are emotions? How do you control emotions? , or even development on understanding money and also what is time, now this may sound ridiculous to some people, yet all these indicators create huge challenges across multiple lives throughout our Life journey to this day. 

For many years I have employed hundreds of people across my own businesses and others I consulted for or was actually employed by, when the people entered the room to be interviewed, I would regularly lift the CV and throw it out of the window and then ask,  "You know what, tell me who you really are, but please leave out education and previous places of employment", a real silence would fall in the room the majority of the time and this was for all levels of employment being recruited? Its a hard question " Who are you and what do you want at all areas and levels in life" 

My job is to inspire people to believe they can get the life they want!

So when I work with people to achieve Personal Mastery and coach people to overcome current  or past challenges here are some of the indicators to finding mastery in life.... I will warn you the world will never look the same again, you empower yourself to create an amazing transformation for yourself, truly discovering your identity and purpose.

So we start with......... People always ask me what is it you do, which is a very hard question as all programmes are adapted to each individual as we lead different lives, different beliefs, come from different cultures, we live in different parts within society and have many varied different backgrounds, but one thing for sure you will be moved and challenged but more rewarding is you will accelerate in the blink of an eye with a new aligned blue print. I will not make you do it, you will do it with a new clear vision for the life you want.

Understanding Who are we, Do we actually know the answer to this question? 
The Leading Self Book: What is your Story as "This is Your Life"

Six Areas.

1: The Journey so far, We explore the past to the present. Where you have been and
where you are now.

2: The possibility for your future—who you can become, and where you want to go.

3: The Challenges, We explore the reality of where you are now and the hurdles you have to overcome to kick of from the blocks.

4: The Personal Mastery area explores the way you manage your day-to-day reality, so you can get
the outcomes you need to get to where you want to go. Now we introduce marginal gains , the actual detail in how you currently measure where you are and where you are going.

5: The 6 inches explores your latest feedback/performance measures, and your commitments to continued growth and learning.

6: The Self-Coach supports your progress by providing anchors of  actions you can take when you are confronted by specific issues. coping strategies and growth strategies to maintain the motivation.

My Journey so far - The Leader In me

Explores the past to the present—where you have been and where you are now. (When has the Leader within you shown up in your timeline)

  1. My life story - The Jigsaw box - we create a new picture for front of the box but explore how many pieces we need.
  2. My leadership Life story - Sustaining Leadership consistently through Visionary pictures.
  3. My positive role models - Measurements through to beyond this energy field.
  4. Leadership mastery in Life - My Potential - What are the possibilities for my future—who you can become, and where you want to go. 
  5. My personality profile 
  6. My strengths/unique abilities 
  7. My personal values - What is important to me 
  8. My values/beliefs/behaviours traits
  9. My senses
  10. My purpose/Identity at work and in life
  11. My motivation drivers in life
  12. My personal Discovery and Vision to pyramid of Life and Fulfilment.
  13. Who Am I - Who are my Role Models - What lies beyond that field of energy.
My Challenges - Are they really Challenges

  1. What really is a bad day for you - Reversal of mindset in how we think 
  2. My anxiety states - What are your daily feelings and emotional states.
  3. My stressors in life -enviroment around you
  4. My Disappointments -  How they are measured
  5. My conflicts - internal and external
  6. My fears and beliefs - My reality in how I view the world
  7. The Saboteur 
  8. My Limiting Beliefs.
Personal Mastery 

  1. Self Awareness
  2. My personal mastery activity 
  3. Using what is important to you to make decisions 
  4. Pyramid of Life 
  5. Creativity
  6. Communication - Communication is about response you get
  7. Persistence in motivation 
  8. Personal Vision
  9. Strategic thinking
  10. Extreme Leadership across your life
  11. Assertive Decision making
  12. Modelling Excellence
  13. Quantum Jumping - Twinning 
  14. Senses.
My 6 inches - Marginal gains - feedback/ performance measures, and your commitments to Personal Vision -growth - Development. 

  1. My feedback/performance (Johari Window) 
  2. My identity 
  3. My sustainability of daily motivation 
  4. My physiology
  5. My level of Fulfilment 
  6. My Mindset
  7. My personal consciousness - Where do I live?
  8. My commitments to the future Personal Vision
  9. Measurements of Pyramid.

The Self-Coach supports your progress by providing anchors of  actions you can take when you are confronted by specific issues. coping strategies and growth strategies to maintain the motivation.

  1. Accountability for Personal Mastery -You can be shown direction but you maintain the path you walk.
  2. Accountability for coping strategies
  3. Entrepreneurship - Leading yourself through to Leading a community 
  4. Leadership Mastery
  5. Maintaining the Vision
  6. Wisdom Mastery 
  7. Business Mastery 
  8. Resourcefulness Mastery 

I am very fortunate to have worked with many people and businesses for many years, I have acquired many life and business skills from around the world in last 25 years. The people who align themselves to me reap huge benefits from my life experiences.

Getting the Most from this Experience, 

To get the most from your commitment :

  • Allow yourself in a safe and trusted enviroment to be completely open minded to experience 
  • Embrace Feed back
  • Embrace change
  • Be very honest and open at all times
  • Keep Talking
  • Understand that in everything you do from this day forward " Needs work"
  • You will accept that you will be moving from the known to the unknown world, challenging yourself.
  • In the beginning you will be excited, tired, restless, eager to get busy, more passionate about life, have much more energy, you will smile constantly for no reason, you will be more fulfilled, you will see the world in a whole new light.
  • Allow everything to flow to release all blockages
  • Keep a journal throughout your journey.
  • Be Committed and disciplined in accepting what is the unknown to you today
  • You will be completely more fulfilled within yourself
  • You will be hungry for growth in all areas of your life.
To explore more about the programme email for more information.
