Wednesday 18 October 2017

Take the test and claim your free 1/2 hour coaching session

A Great Starting Point

Where are you now and where do you want to be?

Take the test and see what you discover

What is the Wheel of Life?

The Wheel of Life is a powerful coaching tool that offers a 360-degree view of your current life situation. It quickly identifies areas of imbalance and will help you to create goals and set priorities based on your life vision. No matter how happy we are, we all have areas of our life that we could do better.

Take the first step

Life is full of stunning opportunities – the business success that we achieve, the jobs we create, the new lives we bring into the world, the personal experiences we have, the love we give and the love we get back. Wonderful things that make our lives rounded and fulfilled, yet we live in a world of constant change, of ever higher demands; and the result is our achievements can get quickly forgotten and our goals can seem ever more complicated and further from our reach.

We know its there, we know we can do it but getting there is another matter entirely but those heights we dream of can be reached if we believe, and crucially, if we have the right support around us.
Taking the Wheel of Life evaluation is the first step on the path to having the future that you want.

Ready to take control of your life?

Take the test and claim your free 1/2 hour coaching session to see what you need to do to get where you want to be.

Friday 13 October 2017

"Stevie Kidd" " The Back Ground - You can have 45 minutes free to explore"

Using storytelling as the catalyst for change, When Stevie works with people he shares the science behind the stories and the strategies for success from aspects of his personal life and business.

Described as a “visionary leader”, “larger than life with a broad Scots accent, eyes that speak to you beyond words and a laugh which reaches into your soul” , “a true entrepreneur with a unique understanding of human behaviour and ability to connect with people” and “an impressive change agent whose enthusiasm for embracing new challenges is infectious” it’s no surprise that Stevie lives every waking hour of his day passionately and with purpose! (that’s 19 waking hours every day!)

Not content with currently running three successful businesses & maintaining a busy family life he has set himself the his latest challenge – his 2020 vision – going from being a non-runner in 2014 to tackling several of the worlds most challenging marathons by the time he is 50! In 2015 he took on the Great wall Marathon in China, in 2016 he conquered Kilimanjaro and then completed the marathon, in 2017 he has completed the Disney Marathon weekend (4 races in 4 days) and in November will overcome the Everest Marathon Challenge! Not bad going for someone who struggled to run to the corner shop in the winter of 2014!

Stevie’s entrepreneurial skills and interest in personal development have been evident since his childhood days and have seen him set up 7 businesses from zero start up, understand the need for support in meeting your goals and fostered a life long commitment to inspiring people to do what inspires them and makes them happy.

For over 20 years Stevie has developed himself under some of the world’s greatest performance coaches including Tony Robbins and Dr Richard Bandler, still to this day Stevie invest heavily in his own development and his clients reap the rewards of this investment. His interest in fitness has been developed over many years where he has trained with leading sports coaches in numerous fields.
Stevie has a proven track-record in getting to the root of any problem in high-speed timing and in supporting clients to make instant, lasting changes to their careers, businesses, lifestyles and personal lives enabling to live the life they imagine and meet the goals that they have set themselves.

Having himself been in business for over 30 years Stevie has set up 7 businesses from zero start up and built them up to having turnovers of over £7 million, he fully understands the challenges of starting, building and growing a business and in dealing with the pitfalls and setbacks that go with this.

Stevie understands that the majority of business owners and managers have many challenges to face including:
  • Sleepless nights (the worry of business issues causing them not to be fully rested at night and the knock on effect this has on their performance)
  • Erratic emotional states/moods (their erratic moods having an impact on their personal life, decision making ability in business and how they related to other people)
  • Time (not enough of it to do what you know needs to be done);
  • Team (they want their team to be more productive) and
  • Money (they want more turnover and profit).
  • Work/Life balance (failing to enjoy a true quality of life as they are not successfully managing all areas of their life)
  • Stevie’s role as a coach is to help you in these areas of your business through guidance, support and encouragement.


I have had the pleasure of working alongside some incredibly inspirational people. None more so than Stevie Kidd, who over the last five years has repeatedly demonstrated immense insight and a unique ability to see and feel exactly what needs to be said or done to make huge shifts and positive change. This isn’t just a recommendation about Stevie Kidd, this is a wake up call to anyone out there who “thinks” they have a problem they cant solve, or goal they cant reach… stop kidding yourself, and get aligned to natural congruent success and potential with the direction and support of this incredible man.
Darran Hughes, Author, speaker and Coach
World class in everything he does, extremely competent and motivational guy. It was my extreme pleasure to work with him over a 6 month program.
Stephen Scoullier Global Sales Director Cerex AG
With over thirty years in business, coaching and his endurance activities Stevie will inspire you by giving an introduction on how you can enhance your career, improve your personal live and live a life with no limits.

To aqcuire your free 45 coaching session email
In this session you will be astonished with the change within you just by exploring where you were, are and dream of going in the future..

Thursday 21 September 2017

A Walk Through the Human Mind

A Walk Through the Human Mind

The concept of three levels of mind is nothing new. Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian psychologist was probably the first to popularize it into mainstream society as we know it today. Even though his theories have subsequently been widely disputed in Psychology circles because they are very hard to scientifically prove, Freud nonetheless created a useful model of the mind, which he separated into 3 tiers or sections – the conscious mind or ego, the preconscious, and the unconscious mind.
The best way that people have found to illustrate the concept of the three minds is by using a triangle. If you imagine at the very tip of the triangle is your conscious mind. It occupies only a small portion of space at the top, a bit like an iceberg where only a fraction of it is showing above the water. It probably represents about 10% of your brain capacity.
Below this is a slightly larger section that Freud called the preconscious, or what some refer to as the subconscious. It is much larger than the conscious mind and accounts for around 50-60% of your brain capabilities.
The section below this is the unconscious mind. It occupies the whole width of the base of the triangle and fills out the other 30-40% of the triangle. It is vast and deep and largely inaccessible to conscious thought, a bit like the dark depths of the ocean.
Conscious, subconscious, unconscious mind image

How They Work Together

Your conscious mind is what most people associate with who you are, because that is where most people live day to day. But it’s by no means where all the action takes place.
Your conscious mind is a bit like the captain of a ship standing on the bridge giving out orders. In reality it’s the crew in the engine room below deck (the subconscious and the deeper unconscious) that carry out the orders. The captain may be in charge of the ship and give the orders but its the crew that actually guides the ship, all according to what training they had been given over the years to best do so.
The conscious mind communicates to the outside world and the inner self through speech, pictures, writing, physical movement, and thought.
The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is in charge of our recent memories, and is in continuous contact with the resources of the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is the storehouse of all memories and past experiences, both those that have been repressed through trauma and those that have simply been consciously forgotten and no longer important to us. It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviours are formed.
The unconscious constantly communicates with the conscious mind via our subconscious, and is what provides us with the meaning to all our interactions with the world, as filtered through your beliefs and habits. It communicates through feelings, emotions, imagination, sensations, and dreams.

The Mind in Action

The following analogy may help to clarify the concept of how the three minds work a little more.
If you imagine you mind is like a computer …
Your conscious mind is best represented by the keyboard and monitor. Data is inputted on the keyboard and the results are thrown up on the monitor screen. That is how you conscious mind works – information is taken in via some outside (or internal) stimulus from your environment and the results are thrown up instantaneously into your consciousness.
Your subconscious is like the RAM in your computer. For those who don’t know, RAM is the place in a computer where programs and data that are currently in use are kept so they can easily be reached quickly by the computer processor. It is much faster than other types of memory, such as the hard disk or CD-ROM.
Your subconscious works in the same way. Any recent memories are stored there for quick recall when needed, such as what your telephone number is or the name of a person you just met. It also holds your current programs that you run every day, such as your current recurring thoughts, behaviour patterns, habits, and feelings.
Your unconscious is like the hard disk drive in your computer. It is the long term storage place for all your memories and programs that have been installed since birth.
Your unconscious mind (and ultimately your subconscious mind) then uses these programs to make sense of all the data you receive from the world and to keep you safe and ensure your survival. The logic of these two minds is that if it worked in the past and you survived, then it will help you get through similar situations by the same means, no matter how misguided, painful, and unhelpful the results may be to you personally in the outside world.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Quantum Jumping – The inter – Dimensional Quest FOR a better you

Day dreaming is thinking.

Your intent makes the day dream an escape from reality, a simple recreation, or a creative resource. When you direct your day dream towards a specific objective ,it becomes a powerful tool for you to use to better your life.

Your eyes see things as they are, your daydreams see things as they could be. Your mind activates your dreams through your physical actions. But All achievements, whether they are of a financial, personal or universal nature, begin with a dream of a successful end result – a day dream

When you alter the thoughts that have become beliefs in your mind then time comes into play while you adjust to a new situation. Your body is used to reacting to certain beliefs without question and when a new idea comes along to chip away at that belief the idea may or may not be accepted by your mind in a timely fashion. Your beliefs are like a radio, receiving only transmissions that are in tune with that belief.

When you change the belief the new signals may be filled with static. This is all taken into consideration with the use and development of Quantum Jumping.

The more you utilize quantum jumping to seek out a twin self who has already solved the problem, or adjusted the situation that you are working on the more successful you will be.

The goal should be a change in attitude so that you can just daydream the positive end result of any situation. This will build your self esteem and confidence and motivate you to take actions you would not have taken with an attitude of defeat or doubt.

Practice Beauty - The Art & Neuroscience of Freedom

There is a place where all things begin, the place of pure energy that simply "is" the place of the power that awaits us when we allow ourselves to venture beyond the limits of what we have always believed to be possible in our lives. Joining the long separated worlds of science and spirit. Accessing the most powerful tools from each discipline creates a fertile environment to awaken to the power of the higher brain. To awaken to the experience of inner peace, vast insight and extraordinary creativity that define the experience of enlightenment.

“Practice Beauty, possibility to apply to the mysteries of our everyday lives”

“Learn to expect what you can't imagine will happen!

A strategy I use when working with certain clients...Email to receive a 30 minute free no obligation coaching session

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Father & Son 5 Peak Challenge on Ryans Birthday - Pre Everest Marathon Test - 85000 Fit bit steps in a day

The Challenge was Designed By Stevie Kidd through experiencing a continual Limiting Belief that he had embedded within his mind, from away last year. This was when he climbed Kilimanjaro then came off the mountain then ran a marathon. However Stevie fixated on how he felt on Roof of Africa and pain was horrendous he remembers..

This year Stevie has to climb to base camp at Everest and then run a marathon, his attention was focused on how he felt on top of Kilimanjaro last year. He describes it as the worst pain he has ever experienced.. So he wanted clarification that this year was going to be different with the challenge ahead of him, so he designed a test but wanted company along the way...

Below is Image is Stevie on Roof of Africa and completion of Kilimanjaro Marathon...

So Stevie approached 3 people to support him,

1st Person : His Son Ryan, who has trained since age of 8, even though Ryan knew it was his birthday on day of challenge he said "Yes" immediately. My dad has been here for me his whole life, its now my turn to repay him.. and Its a great way to spend my birthday also .. Ryan Kidd

2nd Person: Ricardo Pallisco , A neighbour, Friend, Training partner , also someone who is real endurance athlete within cycling world. Ricardo for me was the rock for me especially going up Ben Nevis in the dark. Also with Ricardo endurance experience he was key to whole day.

" I had no reservations, when he called I said yes immediately"

3rd Person : Alex Hutchison, a man who came through Stevie award winning academy model and ex employee who was now retired. We required a driver as from peak to peak we had a distance to travel and this gave us rest time.. " The journey I was on with Stevie changed my life, how could I say no"

The Challenge ahead of us...

Challenge completed - So Lets start with the end

Climbed mountains in 24 hours - 1120pm we started at bottom of Ben nevis

We then travelled to Arrochar to climb Ben Ine, Cobbler,

We then travelled to Balmaha to climb Ben Lomond finishing at Conic


31.42 miles...
85000 fit bit stats for a day

3599m evlevation
16 hours 23 minutes moving time
23 hours total.

3599m elevation

My Learning - I walk the talk and prove to my clients what is “possible” , but at the same time I prove the concept we all suffer at times in the same way. I also have limiting beliefs but recognise them. This was example of me eliminating those limiting beliefs. How do I know they are gone, because when I think of Everest marathon the visual of me in pain at top of Kilimanjaro is no longer within my mind. If you consider and stop and walk through what we accomplished it was one hell of a challenge on so many levels.. My sincere thanks to my wife Lesley, and also the team for the support they gave me, it was a magnificent 24 hours in a day and night..

Stevie Kidd the Executive coach : I have spent 30 years studying human behaviour, I am a coach who walks the talk. I lead by example for my clients to follow what is possible.. I am coached in 3 areas of my life and set huge goals and achieve them because I understand the mind.  If you want a no obligation call to explore your possible coaching journey then reach out to , as after this one session you will see the world differently..

Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way. Just by believing them, we do not think, do or say the things that they inhibit. And in doing so we impoverish our lives. ... Limiting beliefs are often about our selves and our self-identity.

Thursday 24 August 2017

My coaching partnership with "Stevie Kidd"

My coaching partnership with "Stevie Kidd" in my words...

Coaching Partnership with Stevie Kidd - I now realise that you have to invest in yourself to reach your true potential

I have been working with Stevie for the last 6 months. When I started I was struggling with some personal and professional challenges. My 3 year old daughter had been diagnosed with autism and my husband and I were both struggling to come to terms with it. I had extensive work pressures as a Senior Leader and full time working mum and I was keen to improve my circumstances. When I first engaged with Stevie I intended to focus on business but after a few weeks of working together we decided to focus on my personal growth. Since then I have made some major changes in my life. I joined a gym and exercise 3 to 4 time a week, I am focussed on improving my nutrition and general wellbeing and I am training to take part in my first endurance event this year ( Half Marathon October). I have also developed plans to launch a charity ( October) and I am writing a book. In addition to this I am intentionally working to strengthen and improve all of the key relationships in my life.

Stevie is unique as he works to develop you to get better in every aspect of your life not just business. He is calm, considered and very insightful. I love working with him as he leads by example. Stevie is a coach that is being coached to achieve exceptional results in all areas of his own life. Therefore he is a great role model and mentor for me. Stevie never asks me to do anything that he isn't doing or hasn't done himself. If you are looking to change your circumstances or up-level your results I would highly recommend working with Stevie. Having a coach has been one of the best investments I have ever made. In the early days I didn't think I could justify the expense of being coached. I now realise that you have to invest in yourself to reach your true potential.

Stevie Kidd Beyond Limits Event - I attended the event in June 2017

I attended the Beyond Limits in June 17. I loved to hear from Stevie, Doug and Kenny about what was possible in life. To aim high, take risks and strive to become the best version of yourself whilst putting your family first. I believe attending the event has helped me to grow. Although, I had already started the coaching process with Stevie several months prior to the event. This helped to accelerate my progress and results. It's often said that people overestimate the impact of an event and underestimate the process of growth. By committing to the coaching process and the event I was able to maximise both. The event provides the inspiration and ideas and the coaching process provides the structure and discipline required to turn your dreams and aspiration into reality.
My advice is, if you want more, if you want to excel on your current success or even want change then start now as you will you reap the rewards instantly just like I have and am, its simple just call like I did, call 07780333627 or email stevie@steviekidd, its in that moment change occurs pretty instantly , he thinks like no one else I will ever meet... Stevie simply lives in a different world, he sees the world differently from most of us, but very few have lived the life he has, that's where the magic lies.......

Senior Leader Welfare to Work

Wednesday 23 August 2017

My Name is "ANXIETY"

How have you felt within yourself generally this week?

What is the label you gave that emotional state ?

Would you like to live a life free of these negative emotions?

Read on................

I have been working with many people across many sectors,( Pharmacy, Distribution, Manufacturing, Engineering, IT, Digital Innovation, Welfare to Work,  who are suffering from these symptoms for long periods of time. I have a structure to building rapport then working with people as its a real sensitive area. When we build rapport we can then create change speedily.. I have spent 30 years studying human beings in why we do what we do, I understand most triggers, after all we all have same Nuerology................

Typical client Quote " I cannot believe I have been living like this for so long"

This is a blog, that if you feel "Anxiety" or "Stress" at times, then this will help you. Now that's a point , when do we know when to bring it on and turn it off ? We were not born with these symptoms, its basically how we use our senses.  Attention is directed through our senses. By paying attention on the outside, you magnify and associate to your thinking. When we pay attention on the inside, we become more sensitive to your own thoughts and feelings. The more we understand who we are in the inside, we then can pay more attention to the outside world..

Inside the Mind  ( All change takes place at the unconscious level. Then we become aware of it)

Your mental pictures, sounds and feelings all have certain qualities. Think of a TV remote control, your pictures, for example, have brightness and colour; your sounds have rhythm and tone, your feelings have certain texture and temperature. These qualities are known in NLP as sub-modalities.  The senses are the modalities we use to think, so the qualities of the sense experience are sub modalities . Although they are known as sub modalities, they are not inferior, under or beneath the modalities, but are integral part of them. You cannot have sense experience without these qualities.

In how we feel, Sub Modalities are how we structure our experience. Sub modalities are the building blocks of the representational systems. They are the basic qualities of the  "Neuro"  in Nuero-Linguistic Programming. When I coach people we first understand the sequence of sub modalities that create the anxiety and stress, this is how you have wired the experience consistently.  When we change the structure of our experiences ,We then change the meaning. We can choose our submodalities . Therefor we can choose the meaning we give our experience.  This is an area that excited me most when working with Dr Bandler..

Below is some soft strategies I use today that help people overcome stress and anxiety instantly.

1. Write a list of what you know is true ( I find the people I work with focus on the things that are untrue and this is what puts them into an anxiety state, raising awareness on the truths and untruths is a starting point..

2 Read the list 2-3 times a day ( Its not just about making the list but feeding the list to the mind multiple times throughout the day..)

3. Take up yoga, body balance and meditation ( The unknown but bring this into your life)

4. Exercise ( I challenge my clients to sign up for half or full marathons then I create the training pathway along with Nutritional advice) I push clients past limitations to change beliefs.

5 Get A coach ( I have 3, I advise its easier with support than doing journey alone, more effective solution)

6 Practice affirmations ( My favourite as you train, as you walk along the road, as you awake in the morning and look in the mirror in confidence shout them aloud) Your Dreams - "Its possible" " I can do it" " Never give up" " I deserve it" " I will make this happen"

7 Design a future self with one that has no anxiety, amplify and associate to image through my techniques. This future image is a description of a fulfilled life for you, one you want. We merge and walk towards the one with no anxiety through NLP and visualisation techniques..

8 Time lining : Timeline interventions are very powerful in helping people to access resources and create a compelling future and organise their lives. When I develop clients in time lining anxiety disappears because the whole structure within the mind is changed.

9 Mentally Rehearsing - Anxiety/Stress Example - Playing the future movie within your mind of you at work or leading a business starts creating smaller chunks which gives each day a new meaning.. You start a day where you have already lived it within your mind.

10 Quantum Jumping - We leap and take a journey through past - present - future techniques. We also use strategies of meeting future self's and absorb and bathe our self's in that person. We have a strategy of 3 chairs which is similar to Disney strategy each chair has different interpretation. We have built this up before to having 10 chairs which accelerates to the life you want. The power of the imagination bringing it to reality.

Its my job to create change quickly and instantly , never waste another minute feeling anything other than the way you really want to feel each day.. Stevie Kidd

To start your journey and be free of the unwanted emotions you are a click away to making that happen  -

Monday 31 July 2017

Stevie Kidd - When I started devlopment under Tony Robbins The Triad model was powerful for me..

The Triad – Physiology, focus and language
One of the core beliefs of Human Needs Psychology is that its not our conditions but our decisions that shape our destiny.  So what shapes our decisions, both in the short term and the long term? There are three factors – three moulders of meaning that shape our decisions we make in the moment.
There are three patterns that shape the meaning we associate with our life experiences:
  1. Patterns of Physiology – How you use your physical body such as breath, posture, movement etc.
  2. Patterns of focus – Whatever you focus on you will feel.
  3. Patterns of language/meaning –As soon as we put words to an experience, it changes the meaning of the experience.
Emotional Pain is always the result of constructing and creating a disempowering meaning within ourselves. By changing our physiology, focus  and language/meaning we can shift to a more empowering state and make more empowering decisions.
Your Physiology - Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re using your body. Consider your physical posture right now. Are you shoulders slumped or are you standing or sitting up straight with you head held high and your shoulders back? Do you find yourself looking down at the ground or toward what’s out there in front of you?
2.      Your Focus - Whatever you focus on you’re going to believe. Focus equals reality to the individual, even though it’s not reality in actuality. Change your focus.  Are you fixated on all the bad stuff that’s happening to you or focusing on the possible solutions to the problems?  Are you playing the role of victim or problem solver? Are you complaining about all the stuff you don’t have or are you expressing gratitude inside for what you do have?
3.      Your Language - What words are you using in talking to yourself and/or others? Thinking is nothing more than mentally asking and answering a series of questions. Eliminate any habitual questions that do not serve you. Are you asking yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?” or are you saying instead, “what can I do with this?”   If you want to change your life, pay attention to the words you repeat to yourself.
Changing just one of these three components will quickly affect the others. Change your posture, and you’ll find that your mental focus begins to change,  as this happens, you’ll find yourself using different words and phrases, and this, in turn, will continue to affect your posture and physiology. And the whole thing works in reverse too – start by changing your language and the rest will follow!

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Stevie Kidd - Coaching entrepreneurs to extraordinary results.

What Are the Questions Entrepreneurial Leaders Should Be Asking?

It’s engrained in Entrepreneurs: They want the unknown ( challenge reality) to happen that will and usually leads to achieving huge goals. Business leaders have the highest standards set for their employees and colleagues.

Making big things happen is in their Blueprint. The way they live life is in the life map of what they do consistently and daily.

But, a lot of businesses fail because Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders simply aren’t asking the right questions. In my lifetime I have had 7 enterprises and have also learned this the hard way. My model is unique as I have spent 30 years in owning businesses, supporting businesses and 20 years plus as a Executive coach, a very unique offering.

My coaching background and qualifications come from studying Tony Robbins and Dr Bandler models around the world. Modelling excellence in business comes from studying 13 Global businesses in New York and Boston..

Stevie Kidd coaching/Consultancy Product

When we engage in a coaching/consultancy partnership which has been historically known businesses engage from half a day a month to 4 days a month for a timeline of 6 to 12 months depending on personal and business requirements as well as size of business.

On engagement the critical questions I ask the business owner or leader that represent business and life:
  1. What do you want in life and Business? (Vision)
  2. What do you have to do now? (Action)
  3. What could get in the way? (Anticipate)
  4. How do you hold yourself accountable? (Measure)
  5. What does the end look like?

Emphasizing these questions are the foundation of every fast-growing profitable business and demonstrates how answering them in the right way can lead to exceptional results.

For me its about coaching and disciplining businesses and Entrepreneurs to increase profitability, understand all numbers, drive Growth Strategy and gain accountability in order to meet business objectives and reach new heights.

Profit Growth

Working with myself, Entrepreneurs have seen measurable profit growth year over year. Build on the vision, strategy and plan to have a meaningfully increase to your profitability in the next 12 months. We start with end in mind, with key communication strategies, KPIs, speed of evaluation and change to keep us on track.

Key Relationships

Highly successful Entrepreneurs understand that running a high-growth organization is a team effort. Learn to develop strategic relationships internally and externally to dramatically improve your success and business model.


Coaching and consultancy creates accountability and allows CEOs and Entrepreneurs to follow through on their goals of increased revenues, reduced costs, and profitability of business. This is key as sustainability of business and family are key going forward in a successful timeline.

Profit Optimization

On site we support COO/Finance Directors to evaluate cost performance indicators across corporate divisions. Together we build a plan to meaningfully increase operational performance and profitability in the next 12 months.

Strategic Planning

Highly successful COOs are able to align operations with the strategic plan. CEOs and COOs understand that running a high-growth organization is a collective effort. Leading the business to what has been strategically mapped out is key and responsibility of leaders to ensure the ship is being steered in right direction.


Utilising my services as coach - consultant or both hats creates accountability and allows business leaders to follow through on their goals across the business. All of above leads to driving forward unstoppable people, teams, culture and sustainable business.

Contact Details Stevie Kidd :

What Our Clients Are Saying: Stevie is quite simply an incredible human being, coach and all round inspiration. He has the ability to understand the human psyche and knows how to challenge with purpose to fundamentally shift thinking and behaviours to a whole new level. being coached by Stevie is an unforgettable experience because of the holistic coaching approach that addresses mind, body and soul. I would recommend Stevie to anyone who is serious about challenging themselves beyond their limits - It is a life changing experience because in Stevie's world there are no limits!  HR Director Howdens

Stop correcting “i”Mark Zuckerberg: You Have a Higher Purpose

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about his own path to discovering his purpose, and urges us to have the courage to fail, perhaps a dozen times, on the way to finding our own.

Wednesday 5 July 2017


Stevie Kidd CEO coaching partnership Case Study..

The Chief Executive of an award winning charity based in Aberdeen and serving the North East of Scotland,

The charity provides support to help young people and adults overcome learning difficulties. From 24 hour care to help getting into and sustaining employment, Inspire’s services are tailored to the individual and their needs.

The CEO began working with Stevie immediately after the Finance Director had recently returned from an NLP Business Practitioner course run by Stevie and the results and positive changes she noticed first hand were pretty significant. The CEO invited Stevie into the business and they worked together for twelve month period.


“My own development and business development is very important to me and the future of the company. I had recently completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Coaching to help me introducing a coaching culture into the business. I knew I also wanted a coach,  consultant and mentor that I could talk freely to.

Often the challenge as a Chief Executive is that there isn’t anyone truly independent to turn to that you can discuss your hopes and fears with.

Not many people will tell you if you have a bad idea. I wanted to work with someone who could challenge my thinking and also help me to become even more creative. I wanted to work with someone who would tell me as it is”.

“Since working with Stevie Myself and the business  has benefited greatly from having a confidant and mentor that listens and gives critical feedback and personal development with his expertise . I have become more positive as a person and have eliminated any self doubt I had in the past. I reflect often on my achievements and take strength from that to go on and create new opportunities in my home and business life”.

“I always considered myself to be a good communicator but this has reached a new level thanks to my coaching. My business and personal relationships are better than ever. Overall I would say that I am a very well rounded person facing the future full of confidence and passion. There is genuinely nothing that I feel is unachievable”.

As well as working directly with myself , stevie coached each divisional leader to reach new heights which supported our senior team and the business.

CEO inspire charity

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Stevie Kidd - A Business Consultant and Coach - The Customers Voice...

Business Owner Testimonial

I first contacted Stevie Kidd in December of last year.

What struck me straight away was his ability to understand and connect to the pain I was suffering both in and out of my business. I had become stuck in a negative and unhealthy cycle that affected not just me but my family. Long hours and irregular eating habits coupled with a lack of exercise and quality down time was taking me to a destination I did not want to go. I just didn't see this at the time.

Stevie got to work straight away helping me making changes both personally, in business and in life that would have an immediate and lasting impact. He challenged me and held me accountable and showed me what it actually meant to be a leader in all walks of life. We are now 8 months in and the changes we have made together have created a far more positive, productive and harmonious environment. My stress levels have dramatically decreased which gives me the ability to make clear informed decisions and improved my home life dramatically.

Being a business owner can be a lonely existence, connecting with somebody like Stevie who has lived through the same pain and succeeded has been invaluable. Couple this with Stevie's unique personality and coaching delivery methods, you have a winning formula.

I can highly recommend Stevie Kidd to any business owner/manager who is looking to smash through the barriers and roadblocks that often hold us back and reach their true potential.

Business Owner ( Australia)
world’s leading supplier of premium fluid transfer solutions.

Senior Project Manager Testimonial

I've been working with Stevie for around 7 months, we have touched on many aspects but concentrating more heavily on professional goals, representational systems, submodalities, limiting beliefs and mind-set, and over the last 3 months we've also been focussing on endurance. Stevie has a unique and holistic approach - he takes a 'step back' to try to understand my whole character - emotionally, physically and mentally. This then allows him to decide on the most relevant content or focus for each session. Stevie has also been great at quickly re-focusing sessions at very short notice to help with particular events in my professional and personal life.

Stevie provides real examples through personal story telling, equips me with ample tools and techniques to support understanding, learning and development, and often sends resources throughout the fortnight between sessions, aimed to keep me focussed. I feel that Stevie believes in all his clients, and truly wants to help them achieve bigger and better things. All of this helps create a good connection between us and makes each session engaging and inspiring.

I still have a long way to go, but Stevie has certainly helped improve and change many aspects of my life, both from a professional and personal perspective. Goals that I once thought were impossible for me are gradually but continuously materialising.

Marketing Industry - Project Manager

The point in all testimonials that has been shared over the years about working with Stevie Kidd is that you raise your game instantly, right from session one change occurs, he leads the way and sets the example. He is unique in his ability as a coach and a business consultant, but more importantly he will not drop his standards for anyone but more importantly, he will not allow you to fall below a level of excellence he knows you can deliver consistently everyday... He is a very unique individual and if you choose to work with Stevie, think of it as the greatest investment you will make in your life or in your business. You will get results pretty quickly and change will become just a way of life...

Client Stevie Kidd

To enquire: -

Thursday 18 May 2017

Stevie Kidd Beyond Limits - Do Your Thoughts Allow You To Go Beyond Your Limits?

Do Your Thoughts Allow You To Go Beyond Your Limits?

Two weeks ago 40 unique delegates from all walks of life gave up their day to attend Stevie Kidd’s Live Your Life without Limits event.

Each delegate arrived at David Lloyd in Renfrew with a cocktail of thoughts swirling around inside their heads.

Some were wondering what the day ahead had in store for them while others were pondering other matters entirely.

However, by the time the event was over something had changed within every single delegate and that was how they thought.

They were no longer thinking the way they were when they first arrived, they were now experiencing the thoughts of someone who lives there life without limits.

So what happened? How did Stevie manage to change how the delegates thought?

Well before we can answer those questions, we first need to know how Stevie’s own thought process brought the event to life.

This event, just like Stevie’s ambition to conquer the Great Wall of China marathon after only 27 weeks training started life as a thought, nothing more, nothing less.

The seed for this thought was planted in Stevie’s mind when someone he was coaching said they wished he’d do an event again.

This small but powerful seed would eventually grow and bloom into the event that has been described by those who attended as life-altering.

So now we know how Stevie turned a single thought into an extraordinary event we can now answer how he was able to change the thought patterns of 40 delegates in just 7 hours 48 minutes.

First Stevie starts by getting each delegate to fill out a personal wish list ahead of the event, this gives Stevie the knowledge he needed to most effectively target each delegate.

At the event itself, Stevie used his three decades worth of experience studying people and their behavior to break the delegates old thought patterns and create new thinking pathways.
Stevie talks about a number of other techniques (Listed below) that he used to rewire the thoughts of the delegates.

-              Processing Fears
-              Creating an optimum mindset
-              Visionary leadership
-              The power of beliefs & how they can hold you back
-              Identifying yourself and your true purpose.
-              Hugs (Huge Unbelievable Goals)
-              The wheel of life
-              Modelling excellence
-              X Factor in business and in personal life?
-              Personal vision and legacy
-              Accelerating the process to live a life with no limits.
-              Meeting your future self
-              Twinning
-              Quantum jumping

Stevie also delves into aspects of thinking that he believes we as humans are not developed in, such as:

-              What forms us as humans,
-              How to understand emotions,
-              Understanding how to grow and maintain intimate relationships,
-              Understanding of how to inspire ourselves and the world,
-              Coping Strategies for Life,
-              How to be resilient.

Stevie does this to broaden the mind of each delegate so he can effectively break down each delegates old thinking patterns and install new, more healthy ones.  

After all that it is no wonder that the delegates leave thinking differently than when they first arrived especially as Stevie also makes each delegate set goal to work towards after the event.

While the event may end Stevie doesn’t stop there. yes, the event may be over and the delegates may have gone home thinking like someone who lives without limits Stevies’s works not done.

Stevie follows up on the delegates in order to help them maintain their new way of thinking as after the event finishes a number of factors can cause the delegates to go resort to their old way of thinking.

So in order to ensure that this doesn't happen Stevie sends each delegate a personal email based upon their pre-event wish lists.

Stevie also offers the delegates that opportunity to speak with him over the phone so he can help them keep their new thought patterns in place.

So why does Stevie go the extra mile? Well, it’s simple, Stevie is committed to helping each delegate reach the goals they set for themselves at the event.

That’s why he follows up on each delegate after the event, he knows they want to change their thought process permanently and he’s committed to doing all he can to make it happen.

Since May 7th’s Live Your Life without Limits event a number of delegates have written to Stevie and his team about the event. Some examples can be seen below.

“I was lucky enough to join Stevie and the team for his "Live Life without Limits" event. To say Stevie gives his it all is an understatement. Massively invigorating, energizing and motivational day. There is no doubt whatsoever Stevie has a gift, an in-depth understanding of people, which has been fine-tuned to perfection over decades, coupled with a barrel load of business and personal experience results in him being a formidable force as a coach in both life and work.”
“I would thoroughly recommend getting along to see him if you can get a chance. It very possibly could be the best thing you do and could be the first vitally important step to building the better future that you AND those around you deserve. Thank you, Stevie.”
-              A delegate that works in the financial sector

I attended Stevie's Life without limits event in Scotland. I traveled 300 miles from the West Midlands as I knew Stevie was the only coach who could support me to unblock the mental state I was in. On face value this event would appear to be just storytelling, however, believe me, it is so much more. Stevie was continually embedding messages and breaking patterns throughout the event. It will take months if not years for the full effect of this to be realized. What I do know is Stevie is a true craftsman at what he does, he always gives beyond what is expected, he is passionate, highly motivated and every session will be truly person-centered to you. Thank you Stevie you are simply world class.
Jayne (MD)

“I have followed Stevie Kidd on LinkedIn now for a few years and have always been inspired by his enthusiasm and motivation...I wish I could get to the same level.

On Sunday 7th May, I attended his seminar in David Lloyd, Renfrew and was hugely impressed with his humbleness, passion, and honesty. Key attributes which I welcome and respect. Aside from that, I took a lot from the event too and hopefully, I'll get a chance to work with him more in the future.
It makes perfect sense to me to have a Mentor/Life Coach or someone impartial in our lives whom we can learn from, and from what I've seen, there'll be few in the same league as Stevie that you could turn to.
I'd highly recommend Stevie and would also really recommend getting along to his next seminar.”
–             A delegate that owns their own business

While Stevie is currently in the process of helping the 40 delegates that attended the event on May 7th he isn’t slowing down.

Stevie is in the mists of planning three more events that will help many more people live their lives without limits.

Stevie’s next three events will all take place in 2017 and will be spread across the UK. For more information see below.

Upcoming Events:
Edinburgh - July 2017
Manchester - Sept 2017

London - Nov 2017