Wednesday 23 April 2014



Attention is directed through the senses. When we pay attention on the outside , you amplify your thinking. By paying attention on the inside, you become more sensitive to your own thoughts and feelings, more sure of yourself and more able to give your attention to the outside.

Our concious attention is limited to about 7 things, but unconsciously we notice much more, I am always curious where people spend most of the awakening state, is it internally or externally, I do understand the opportunities are in the outside but understanding yourself in the inside is always important as knowing who you are leads to more opportunities in the outside, creating an antenna for your senses to trigger the opportunities.

I know you will agree you miss some things because you favour a certain sense when processing information, so may notice a lot visually , but not listen so much. After talking to someone, you may remember what they looked like very well, but may not be so clear about what they said or their voice tone. In the other hand you may listen well, but not be visually acute. after a conversation you may remember what was said and the nuances of the voice tone, but not remember what the person was wearing or looked like. You may also simply pay attention to feeling. You may remember feelings and emotions and intuitions from a conversation, maybe a sense of empathy, but will not be so clear about the details of what was said or what the other person looked like.

I spend most of my time in a nature trail, exercising my senses as much as going to the gym to exercise my body, I challenge my weaknesses, I train my weaker senses, I am visual, but spend a lot of my time exercising my weak senses. I train my auditory closing my eyes listening for the birds from 360 around me, even started to name them. hearing multiple sounds at once,it will be uncomfortable , but you will learn more by doing this...........

" If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got, And there is always more"

What are you aware of in your body?

We frequently attempt to blank out signals that we do not like instead of paying attention to them. When you 
pay real attention, you will be able to understand and appreciate yourself at a deeper level. Simply being aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and states without attempting to change them. Simply the more we become aware of our internal world, the more we do appreciate who we are and come to know ourselves.

Each day take time  to explore the internal awareness within you, its called " Personal Inventory"

Taking a Personal Inventory 

1) Sit Quietly for a few moments and become aware of your body.
What are you mostly aware of?
What feelings do you have in your body?

2) Start at you feet and let your awareness move up your body.
Feel the connection between all the parts of the body.
Which parts feel at ease and which parts feel uncomfortable?

3) What thoughts do you have?
Look at the mental pictures , if you have any at the moment.
What are the qualities of these pictures? Do they move quickly or slowly or are they still?
Whereabouts in your visual field are they located?
How far away do they seem to be?

4) What sounds do you hear in your mind?
Are you self talking to yourself?
What sort of voice quality does this have?
Are there any other sounds?
Where do they seem to be coming from?

5)How is your sense of balance?
Do you feel as if your leaning too far to one side or too far backwards or forwards?

6) What emotional state are you in?
What is your main emotion?
Simply be aware of it without trying to change anything.

7) Come back to awakening state

An inventory does not try to change anything, only to pay attention internally

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