Saturday 4 January 2014

Can you be a Leader, entrepreneur and innovator all at once......... in my opinion Stevie Kidd has these three attributes.

My personal experience with Stevie Kidd in 2013 and going into 2014 has made be aware Stevie has all of these three qualities……………….. Leader…………….Innovator…………………..Entrepreneur

So what's the Question? Is Stevie Kidd a Visionary Leader…………………….?

When I begin to think of a leader, Innovator, and entrepreneur I instantly begin to engage in my mind what is called "long-term Genius thinking." In my opinion Stevie Kidd has all three in my opinion and my recent and future partnership with Stevie has proven I am right to shout out loud about this person.

The Leader in your Life

Stevie is a long-term thinker. Average thinkers think only about the present, and about immediate gratification. But Stevie thinks about where you want to be in five and ten years, and what we have to do each hour of each day to make our desired future a reality. It was hard to describe him at first as the man gives his heart and soul to you, he is like a magnetic force driving you forward with complete passion and Visionary leadership. I remember sitting at home after our initial meeting, It felt like I was on a sea saw with my head spinning finding it hard to sit down and at peace, spending sometime reflecting on which way I would go, I remember going to my bed saying to my wife “He sees the world like no other man I have ever met” My Wife asked " Does the future feel different since meeting him, because it sounds different as tonight you are different in how you talk about life and your business"? I replied " I feel excited after meeting him" My Wife replies " You have found your answer then", at that moment I closed my eyes and said I will call him in the morning and get things moving. A strange thing that will stay with me for a long time, when I came home we had dinner at home with family and as we sat in our dining room my wife said " Have you been doing something different today as you look and sound different" as  I looked around the table all my family were nodding and agreeing, my question was? surely not, surely after spending so little time with this man has so much changed instantly within me, months on, I now know change happened instantly with me which was and will be everlasting, in my eyes he is a genius. he lights you up within you if you let him in.

  1. Stevie is inspired about himself and life, he is absolutely excited about the possibility of creating an exciting future for you. He gets up every morning and he sees every effort we make as part of a great plan to accomplish something wonderful with our lives.

  1. Stevie sees opportunities in everything that happens, positive or negative. He looks for the good in every situation and in every person. He seeks the valuable lessons contained in every problem or setback. He will      never experience "failures;" instead, he writes them off as "learning experiences." I remember speaking with him as he invested £37k in marketing and leading an event in Conant rooms in London and it failed, well I looked at it as failure, He simply put his hands out describing what he said to his team, it’s as if he was lifting a brick and moved it to the left and said we do not look at that anymore, we focus on what’s next, Its simple we learn from it and remember it’s my responsibility and said what’s next, “ oh that’s right Windsor Castle next the man said”…………… and low and behold March this year he led a Personal Discovery event for over 20 leaders at Windsor castle where they stayed within the grounds for 3 days. He simply has one trait of thought, it’s that simple………, to him it’s a simple choice in how you think” He lives in the future where goals have been achieved.

  1. Stevie has without question clear, written goals and plans he works on every day for an average of 20 hours per day every day. Stevie Is clear about where we are going and what we will have to do to get there. Stevie behaviour is purposeful and goal-directed. As a result, he accomplishes easily five and ten times as much as the average person who operates from day to day with little concern about the future. He has spent over £300k on his own personal development over the years around the world learning from business leaders over 7 sectors and physiologists from around the world, he does walk the talk. He has lived the life and business you want and that’s the big difference when working with the man. He spends 2 hours out of each day researching on web and listening to audios consistently developing and learning best practices from around the world, it’s always about best strategies as that’s the quickest way to get your results, modelling the businesses and the people who have the results today that you want to achieve, but then what’s beyond that world, that’s where he will take you.

  1. Stevie never complains, never ever heard him complain. Instead of making excuses, he only sees and wants to make progress. Whenever we have a set-back or difficulty, he repeats to himself, "I am responsible! I am responsible! I am responsible!" He has had 7 businesses, one failed but he simply says I was responsible, it’s that simple, he pauses then looks up and says, “ It won’t happen again though with a smile attached”

  1. Stevie doesn’t  criticize or blame others when something goes wrong. Instead, he always focuses on a solution.

  1. He is always constantly in motion. He will try something, and then something else, and then something else again. He simply never gives up.

  1. Attributes of the man, his love for people, he sees more in you than you see in yourself, his honesty, he is master of communication, he has a huge sense of humour, abundance of unconditional love, massive confidence and aura about the man, totally committed to your journey and you as a customer, gives you much much more than you ever thought you signed up for, always positive every time you meet the man, yet to see him negative or complain, in fact my team always say maybe today will be that day, but never happens. I have never met a man with such creativity, his intuition or Stevie likes to call it a “sixth sense” in business ideas or even his ability to read you even if you have just met for as little as 30 seconds, he knows more about you than you know yourself, but more importantly for me is his ability to inspire you and everyone around you, he simply goes to end of goal and stands waiting on you, he then brings you back to start line where everybody is focused on the Vision. A complete master and years and years of Stevie investing in Martial arts, Developing himself on Business around the world, but more importantly his years of studying human behaviour. When you are able to go 25 years with outstanding continuous testimonial after testimonials it stands testament to the great man.
8.     Stevie always talks about the present and future agenda, Stevie always raises awareness that you have to make sure there's a tomorrow vision, but also makes you aware that you also have to make sure there is a successful today. You need to constantly balance the needs of the company today with what the needs of the company will be tomorrow. 
9.     Stevie is passionate about your Foundation, Purpose, vision and mission for the business, so he asks you "why does your company exist in first place"?, he then challenges you on vision, what is it you are trying to make happen, and also when it does succeed tell me what that looks and feels like?, then he brings it right back and asks to see your plan and meet your people, then the fun begins.
10.  Stevie is very wise in what he does, especially when asking about the Strategic direction of the business, he takes feelings out of everything, he is really good at determining where to go and what the overall strategy of how we get there. We understand now that the Strategic direction is all about the major moves the company needs to make to reach its objectives. We do this by setting and communicating the right company goals first. Next, he helped us define what success looks like. Then, in the words of Stephen Covey, you "begin with the end in mind" and work backwards. Stevie firmly believes in this methodology and is a fan of Steven Covey work. Stevie spent time in New York and Boston studying businesses and got access to CEOs and senior executives to discover business strategies of Apple, Ritz Carlton hotels, Morgan Stanley, Bloomberg, Harvard University, MIT Institute, Carrot, to name a few and then maintained relationships since returning to UK

So what about Innovation - Who and What is Stevie Kidd style of Innovation…………………..
1. He always thinks there is a better way.
2. He knows that without any passion there can be no innovation. Do you have passion in your business.
3. He embraces change to a fault.
4. He has a strong point of view but he knows that they are missing something, his passion creates the vision for everyone to see and believe.
5. He knows that innovation is a team sport, all voices have to be heard in the business, it all starts with a seed.
6. He embraces constraints as opportunities.
7. He celebrates peoples vulnerability.
8. He will openly share his ideas and passions expecting to be challenged.
9. He knows that the best ideas are in the Gray areas between silos.
10.He absolutely knows that a good story can change the world, I have never seen someone create innovation with passion and instantly believe that the concept can be taken around the world as a best practice, he has proven this many times in previous times and companies.

Who is Stevie Kidd the entrepreneur?
"He sees an opportunity which others do not fully recognise, Stevie has unquenchable self-belief that all opportunities can be made real through very hard work, commitment and the adaptability to learn constantly.
Stevie is not diverted or discouraged by scepticism from 'experts' or from those from whom they seek backing and support, he is willing to weigh all advice up and select from which will be helpful. Stevie is prepared not just to work seriously hard but to back his judgement with his own personal investment which can cause problems if he is wrong about the opportunity, he never fears failure or taking a risk,which he admits he has not always been right but it has been more that other people just never seen what he saw in innovative projects. Stevie understands that achievements are the result of team work and knows how to choose the necessary blend of talents and inspire them all to achieve their vision."
I partnered Stevie kidd as a performance coach and as a Business consultant in my business, Stevie started with myself then moved onto the people within the business, he personally met every single person within the business, initially just listening to all those individual maps and stories before then moving onto inspiring them to be great and align a personal vision for themselves just like a business vision. Stevie has a belief that everyone should invest in themselves as your the number one asset is yourself. In following this strategy we then aligned people to business vision and linked both strategies. 2013 has been very enlightening and a lot has changed for me in business and in personal life, I am now exercising and bringing more of the unknown into my life, 2014 I personally believe it will be amazing year as through Stevie Kidd Leadership, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship we will partner companies that we never even considered before and cream is we will receive substantial funding to support our company goals and projects, which is due to commence March-April 2014.

My approach was I emailed Stevie and asked simple Questions, I asked Stevie on our first meeting?
Can I have a free, no commitment, no pressure, meeting with you? – YES!
Will you help me to get more customers? – YES!
Will you help me reduce unnecessary costs? – YES!
Will you help me increase my profits? – YES!
Will you help me to be better at running my business? – YES!
Can I speak to other business owners you have helped? – YES!
How long have you been coaching, consulting or developing businesses like mine?  

When we met for the first time I was with Stevie for about 3 hours, but it felt like fifteen minutes, when Stevie left the hotel after our meeting, I sat in chair for a further 30 minutes reflecting on our meeting but feeling totally sunk into the chair, a waitress approached me asking if I was al-right, I simply replied Yes thanks, everything just feels and looks different for some reason. It’s definitely a life changing experience. Stevie asks you question you never ask yourself, experience it for yourself!
I am often asked what if you went to bed that night and thought no he is too much for me? I simply say that would have been a mistake and one I choose not to think about, working with Stevie you very rarely look at the past, as your more focused on the tomorrow you will create for yourself and your family. You only have to look at Stevies portfolio of projects, his businesses over 25 years, his consultation partnerships or even performance coaching partnerships he has had over the last 25 years to see and feel his own objectives in life, which is he believes his work will empower people to change the world of today to become a better tomorrow for everyone.
Thank You Stevie Kidd
for testimonials and more information on Stevie Kidd services click the link,

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