Thursday 18 May 2017

Stevie Kidd Beyond Limits - Do Your Thoughts Allow You To Go Beyond Your Limits?

Do Your Thoughts Allow You To Go Beyond Your Limits?

Two weeks ago 40 unique delegates from all walks of life gave up their day to attend Stevie Kidd’s Live Your Life without Limits event.

Each delegate arrived at David Lloyd in Renfrew with a cocktail of thoughts swirling around inside their heads.

Some were wondering what the day ahead had in store for them while others were pondering other matters entirely.

However, by the time the event was over something had changed within every single delegate and that was how they thought.

They were no longer thinking the way they were when they first arrived, they were now experiencing the thoughts of someone who lives there life without limits.

So what happened? How did Stevie manage to change how the delegates thought?

Well before we can answer those questions, we first need to know how Stevie’s own thought process brought the event to life.

This event, just like Stevie’s ambition to conquer the Great Wall of China marathon after only 27 weeks training started life as a thought, nothing more, nothing less.

The seed for this thought was planted in Stevie’s mind when someone he was coaching said they wished he’d do an event again.

This small but powerful seed would eventually grow and bloom into the event that has been described by those who attended as life-altering.

So now we know how Stevie turned a single thought into an extraordinary event we can now answer how he was able to change the thought patterns of 40 delegates in just 7 hours 48 minutes.

First Stevie starts by getting each delegate to fill out a personal wish list ahead of the event, this gives Stevie the knowledge he needed to most effectively target each delegate.

At the event itself, Stevie used his three decades worth of experience studying people and their behavior to break the delegates old thought patterns and create new thinking pathways.
Stevie talks about a number of other techniques (Listed below) that he used to rewire the thoughts of the delegates.

-              Processing Fears
-              Creating an optimum mindset
-              Visionary leadership
-              The power of beliefs & how they can hold you back
-              Identifying yourself and your true purpose.
-              Hugs (Huge Unbelievable Goals)
-              The wheel of life
-              Modelling excellence
-              X Factor in business and in personal life?
-              Personal vision and legacy
-              Accelerating the process to live a life with no limits.
-              Meeting your future self
-              Twinning
-              Quantum jumping

Stevie also delves into aspects of thinking that he believes we as humans are not developed in, such as:

-              What forms us as humans,
-              How to understand emotions,
-              Understanding how to grow and maintain intimate relationships,
-              Understanding of how to inspire ourselves and the world,
-              Coping Strategies for Life,
-              How to be resilient.

Stevie does this to broaden the mind of each delegate so he can effectively break down each delegates old thinking patterns and install new, more healthy ones.  

After all that it is no wonder that the delegates leave thinking differently than when they first arrived especially as Stevie also makes each delegate set goal to work towards after the event.

While the event may end Stevie doesn’t stop there. yes, the event may be over and the delegates may have gone home thinking like someone who lives without limits Stevies’s works not done.

Stevie follows up on the delegates in order to help them maintain their new way of thinking as after the event finishes a number of factors can cause the delegates to go resort to their old way of thinking.

So in order to ensure that this doesn't happen Stevie sends each delegate a personal email based upon their pre-event wish lists.

Stevie also offers the delegates that opportunity to speak with him over the phone so he can help them keep their new thought patterns in place.

So why does Stevie go the extra mile? Well, it’s simple, Stevie is committed to helping each delegate reach the goals they set for themselves at the event.

That’s why he follows up on each delegate after the event, he knows they want to change their thought process permanently and he’s committed to doing all he can to make it happen.

Since May 7th’s Live Your Life without Limits event a number of delegates have written to Stevie and his team about the event. Some examples can be seen below.

“I was lucky enough to join Stevie and the team for his "Live Life without Limits" event. To say Stevie gives his it all is an understatement. Massively invigorating, energizing and motivational day. There is no doubt whatsoever Stevie has a gift, an in-depth understanding of people, which has been fine-tuned to perfection over decades, coupled with a barrel load of business and personal experience results in him being a formidable force as a coach in both life and work.”
“I would thoroughly recommend getting along to see him if you can get a chance. It very possibly could be the best thing you do and could be the first vitally important step to building the better future that you AND those around you deserve. Thank you, Stevie.”
-              A delegate that works in the financial sector

I attended Stevie's Life without limits event in Scotland. I traveled 300 miles from the West Midlands as I knew Stevie was the only coach who could support me to unblock the mental state I was in. On face value this event would appear to be just storytelling, however, believe me, it is so much more. Stevie was continually embedding messages and breaking patterns throughout the event. It will take months if not years for the full effect of this to be realized. What I do know is Stevie is a true craftsman at what he does, he always gives beyond what is expected, he is passionate, highly motivated and every session will be truly person-centered to you. Thank you Stevie you are simply world class.
Jayne (MD)

“I have followed Stevie Kidd on LinkedIn now for a few years and have always been inspired by his enthusiasm and motivation...I wish I could get to the same level.

On Sunday 7th May, I attended his seminar in David Lloyd, Renfrew and was hugely impressed with his humbleness, passion, and honesty. Key attributes which I welcome and respect. Aside from that, I took a lot from the event too and hopefully, I'll get a chance to work with him more in the future.
It makes perfect sense to me to have a Mentor/Life Coach or someone impartial in our lives whom we can learn from, and from what I've seen, there'll be few in the same league as Stevie that you could turn to.
I'd highly recommend Stevie and would also really recommend getting along to his next seminar.”
–             A delegate that owns their own business

While Stevie is currently in the process of helping the 40 delegates that attended the event on May 7th he isn’t slowing down.

Stevie is in the mists of planning three more events that will help many more people live their lives without limits.

Stevie’s next three events will all take place in 2017 and will be spread across the UK. For more information see below.

Upcoming Events:
Edinburgh - July 2017
Manchester - Sept 2017

London - Nov 2017

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