Tuesday 4 July 2017

Stevie Kidd - A Business Consultant and Coach - The Customers Voice...

Business Owner Testimonial

I first contacted Stevie Kidd in December of last year.

What struck me straight away was his ability to understand and connect to the pain I was suffering both in and out of my business. I had become stuck in a negative and unhealthy cycle that affected not just me but my family. Long hours and irregular eating habits coupled with a lack of exercise and quality down time was taking me to a destination I did not want to go. I just didn't see this at the time.

Stevie got to work straight away helping me making changes both personally, in business and in life that would have an immediate and lasting impact. He challenged me and held me accountable and showed me what it actually meant to be a leader in all walks of life. We are now 8 months in and the changes we have made together have created a far more positive, productive and harmonious environment. My stress levels have dramatically decreased which gives me the ability to make clear informed decisions and improved my home life dramatically.

Being a business owner can be a lonely existence, connecting with somebody like Stevie who has lived through the same pain and succeeded has been invaluable. Couple this with Stevie's unique personality and coaching delivery methods, you have a winning formula.

I can highly recommend Stevie Kidd to any business owner/manager who is looking to smash through the barriers and roadblocks that often hold us back and reach their true potential.

Business Owner ( Australia)
world’s leading supplier of premium fluid transfer solutions.

Senior Project Manager Testimonial

I've been working with Stevie for around 7 months, we have touched on many aspects but concentrating more heavily on professional goals, representational systems, submodalities, limiting beliefs and mind-set, and over the last 3 months we've also been focussing on endurance. Stevie has a unique and holistic approach - he takes a 'step back' to try to understand my whole character - emotionally, physically and mentally. This then allows him to decide on the most relevant content or focus for each session. Stevie has also been great at quickly re-focusing sessions at very short notice to help with particular events in my professional and personal life.

Stevie provides real examples through personal story telling, equips me with ample tools and techniques to support understanding, learning and development, and often sends resources throughout the fortnight between sessions, aimed to keep me focussed. I feel that Stevie believes in all his clients, and truly wants to help them achieve bigger and better things. All of this helps create a good connection between us and makes each session engaging and inspiring.

I still have a long way to go, but Stevie has certainly helped improve and change many aspects of my life, both from a professional and personal perspective. Goals that I once thought were impossible for me are gradually but continuously materialising.

Marketing Industry - Project Manager

The point in all testimonials that has been shared over the years about working with Stevie Kidd is that you raise your game instantly, right from session one change occurs, he leads the way and sets the example. He is unique in his ability as a coach and a business consultant, but more importantly he will not drop his standards for anyone but more importantly, he will not allow you to fall below a level of excellence he knows you can deliver consistently everyday... He is a very unique individual and if you choose to work with Stevie, think of it as the greatest investment you will make in your life or in your business. You will get results pretty quickly and change will become just a way of life...

Client Stevie Kidd

To enquire: stevie@steviekidd.co.uk - www.steviekidd.co.uk

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