Thursday 14 July 2016

All I ask is use your imagination please --Below is example of a moment in Kilimanjaro - Video is in darkness because thats what you do on last day to summit..

Best way to get most from this is just imagine the scenario after reading what is below.. before you watch clip... in the clip I am at 18200 feet and can see nothing.... but I have head lamp on..
Tonight I was delighted to have been given update on Kilimanjaro edited footage, we will not have long to wait now to see the journey..
Some facts first, when I left Kilimanjaro airport this huge plane was in the air 20 minutes then I seen top of Kilimanjaro when I looked out my window, also when I headed from London to Glasgow, the flight said it was at 5352 m, Kilimanjaro is just under 6000m, all these different scenarios puts everything into perspective..
This piece of film you cannot see anything really as this is me climbing to summit at last part of 6 day climb, amazing 6 days to climb 2 days to come of 53 miles.. So Let me set the seen for you..
We left a base camp at 8am ( half way point) this morning to trek on foot to Kibo camp ,which is another camp that sits right below Kilimanjaro, this took what felt forever as when I reached Kibo it affected emotionally. On trek we came though a snow blizzard and was all uphill as you would expect, I was more overwhelmed than anything I think as this journey started from a non runner proving a point about the mind. From this camp we have around 6 hours to Gillian point and 8 hours to actual Kilimanjaro summit, now at Gillian point you can turn back or go to summit, I chose to carry on....

At Kibo we sit at around 17500 feet with over 2000 feet vertical climb in snow, ice and rocks... so when we arrive at Kibo you are told no sleep, as dinner will be in 2 hours, then you sleep for 2 hours.You are then woken up at 1030pm by your guide team who are still smiling and laughing to be fed and mentored for you to prepare for the climb in the dark from 11pm... I went outside and felt the wind, snow, and coldness, I looked up and could see nothing but small light bulbs, maybe 6 all the way up... Fred looks at me and says, " Do not worry, do what your strategy tells you to do, mirror me all the way, and before we start he says, you are not carrying a bag, you have carried one to this point but now is too dangerous, I agreed...
Before we left to start climb , I stood outside with a tear running down my cheek and for a few minutes relived the journey to date, but for me to do the following its rare, but I came to the actual moment and embraced it looked at the mountain in darkness and stillness , I lived in the present and cried and not ashamed to say that, after about ten minutes I brushed myself down, let the fear escape me and said Fred I am ready my friend...
At this point I knew deep inside this was going to be the most I would grow on the journey and beliefs would change within me, you have to just imagine it, its vertical and you tackle it like multiple sssssssss all the way up.... this will absolutely live with me this part for a very long time.... in fact all my life,, the day and night I reached Kilimanjaro where I walked for 20 hours with 4 hours rest really... the top of the summit, well was so real for me..... I am sure the VT will demonstrate the life journey I have went on... it changed me in so many ways.. I can see , hear and feel my spirit within me every second of everyday... a feeling a freedom, enlightenment and love..... xx

Vt Will give you feel for experience..

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