- Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you?
- Why and how did this person impact your life? What is one really impressive strategy they had when leading people?
- What are the most important decisions you made as a leader to date?
- What did you cry out for within you as a employee, what did you want to see or hear from your leader when he led you in your business?
- As your business gets more successful there can be a tendency for the “institution” to dampen the “inspiration.” How do you keep this from happening?
- How do you consistently day in day out encourage winning positive thinking within your company?
- If you were the CEO TODAY, what would you want from manager tomorrow within your business?
- Where do the great ideas come from in the business, who suggests new strategies or is it all left to you?
- Which is most important to your business—mission, core values or vision?
- What is really important to you?
- How do you or other leaders in your business communicate the “core values”?
- How do you encourage others in your business to communicate the “core values”?
- Do you set aside specific times to cast vision to your business and other leaders WITHIN THE BUSINESS?
- How do you ensure THE BUSINESS and its activities are aligned with your “core values”?
- How do you help a new EMPLOYEE understand the culture of YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS?
- When faced with two equally TALENTED MANAGERS, how do you determine whom to PROMOTE?
- What is one characteristic that you believe every MANAGER should possess?
- How must a manager and leader carry themselves all the way through to next week no matter what the pressures within the business?
- What are the messages the people around the world will hear from the leader everyone is talking about tomorrow?
- What is the biggest challenge facing YOU AND MANAGERS IN THE BUSINESS today?
- What is one mistake you witness MANAGERS making more frequently than others?
- What is the one behaviour or trait that you have seen derail more MANAGERS “ careers IN BUSINESSES?
- What advice would you give YOURSELF going into NEW ROLE AS A MANAGER for the first time?
- What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a MANAGER leader?
- What is the best strategy of a leader In the morning?
- What will you say tomorrow before YOU START A NEW MONTH IN BUSINESS?
- What will your future employers see and hear from you tomorrow?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4tIrjBDkkwatch strong message " I cannot make you do it "
"I always want more success for people than you want for themselves " Stevie Kidd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y_KJAg8bHI Listen to music and clear your mind with a path to your future , clear away all your limitations, as when you decide to have none , your life will change forever ...
In personal growth your Aura will glow, its crucial you maintain it and along the way understand more in how to control your emotions?
" I am currently being coached by Stevie Kidd right now for a period of 6 months , and all I can say is " it's like turning metal to gold" you simply have to experience this man .... Operation director
Be inspired, driven, motivated and led by the leader in you who will through time and when is ready step up and align and plan the next chapter of your life, so you go in history books where you are spoken in great stories of people before you. we have it all within us to achieve and inspire to be great..Stevie Kidd... www.steviekidd.co.uk ,