It has taken me over a year to talk about this, It has actually been my son Ryan of 15 who empowered me to tell the world this story as he believes this will motivate more people to inspire and help others around the world especially at this time of the year................. In fact during a night out where my customer Fed Ex International, a senior executive discussed this precious magic moment over dinner with my friends, I had never told this story and at the time he told this story, I thought to myself, when did I do this, but it came rushing back to me, so much so I could feel my heart beat very fast...........
It made me realise how often I help people and how I have spent last 30 years doing this for a living, but it took me some time to recollect the story because I am consistently looking at who is next rather than reflecting on who I have helped in my life...... I could honestly write a book about ll the magic moments I have had but when they are done they are archived within my mind instantly, this one is special though..........
It was a normal day in the Fed Ex station, I was working with the Fed Ex business and at the end of the day I walked by an internal office occupied by senior executives and heard tonality of voices that were down, long drawn out as if something sad had happened, as people left the room with heads bowed I entered and asked the Senior executive, "what's up"? He looked at me and said " Stevie we have someone who is close to us, who is dying of cancer and the last wish they have, is to be married and have all the the trimmings, but we have landed short as we have no one who will pay for honeymoon, which is the last piece of the jigsaw" He carried on " This person has children but has weeks to live, all they want is to be married and celebrate the love for one another as a family" I instantly said without even thinking " I will pay for honeymoon, leave it with me please" I could feel my heart pounding, I instantly felt as if I had entered the whole family and the woman who had this terminal disease and felt every single persons emotions, I remember leaving the station and going into my car and crying uncontrollably, but quickly wiped away the tears, looked in the mirror and said "Listen this is what you do, for many years you have helped people, now make this happen for this family and get a grip right now"
I approached a few hotels in the city but when they understood the circumstances they declined as close care would be required as woman was on oxygen and wheel chair, but then I called the Marriott hotel in Glasgow and spoke with general manager in detail of all requirements, I explained the circumstances and I said we have to have best view of Glasgow to allow the family to look across all 360 views of Glasgow, it has to be room or rooms on top of the hotel, he agreed and said we will take care of everything stevie, they did more than I asked, rose petals on the bed, champagne on ice, someone at hand 24/7 to assist with everything, from moment limousine turned up after the wedding to point of leaving they were waited on hand and foot, the Marriott took care of everything. I was told it was an amazing 3 days of the families lives. I say this because I never met the family, I have never met any of the family to this very day, that was not my reason for doing this gesture, it was simply because "I can" In fact it saddens me this Christmas thinking of the family celebrating Christmas without a wife , and auntie, sister or a Mum.
I remember the very day driving over Kingston Bridge and staring at the hotel from the Kingston bridge and saying to my family, something very very special is happening in that hotel just now, my family asked me "what is happening"?. but I never let them know, as I felt telling them then the magic would disappear in why I did what I did, it has taken me over a year to talk about it but each day I spared a silent moment for myself to think about that day I walked past an office where I had a choice to walk by, or walk into a room and say I will help?
A few weeks later I took a call, it was where time stopped, the senior executive said "Stevie what you did for that family was unbelievable but it saddens me to tell you the lady passed away today, the family would like to thank you from the bottom of all their hearts, they said the days spent on honeymoon where simply magical" I remember putting the phone down and crying like I have never cried before. I also realised this day that since a young age, possibly as far back as 12, I made a commitment that helping people brought me alive within me, spreading unconditional love brought you a feeling that words cannot explain, its hard to explain but going into 2014 I have lost count of amount of people I have helped, I simply do not count, as its just a part of who I am, and have been for many years. I care because of my love for people folks.
I believe this story has come back to me for a reason and today me and my son on way to his Nana s, I shared this full story with my son Ryan, chapter and verse, as we got to Nana's, Ryan said " Dad you are incredible and amazing and your my Dad"
All we need is to be unconditionally loved, we all simply cry out to be loved and know we are enough, please share this as I believe and so does Ryan, this blog will change hearts and minds, so no matter where you are in the world, hit the button and share it has taken me over a year to bring it back from my unconscious.......... It was worth the weight in gold, I am going to write a book called my magic moments,
Stevie Kidd - A Business Entrepreneur for over 25 years - A very Unique Life / Business Coach ... that gets results instantly... Many People say he is truly "Unique"..... Stevie simply says his clients, customers and how he lives is the voice of what he does consistently . What the people say .....
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
SK Coaching - Its like he is sitting on your shoulder constantly tapping you!
2014 is going to be a great year, all because of decisions I have made this year....... One of those decisions was to partner Stevie in a Coaching partnership.... No matter where you are in the world, I cannot recommend this highly enough! I am not the person that met him 6 months ago, that man no longer exists in so many ways.....
So what is it like entering into a coaching relationship with Stevie Kidd, At first I struggled to answer that question. When I first approached Stevie, we decided to meet and have coffee and have a chat, as I started to chat to Stevie, he just sits and listens, he has an incredible ability to really tune in with you immediately in all areas, it really is like a magnetic energy of instant "RAPPORT".
"He simply gets you instantly "
"He has spent many many years studying human behaviour and business all around the world, business world he went to America to learn from 14 Global leaders in business and developed himself through top psychologists around the world"
What initially drew me to Stevie was , One day after training I was sitting having a coffee in David Lloyd, I just could not help but over hear a businessman talk about someone he was working with in a coaching partnership, he described Stevie as a man who had an unbelievable force of energy but a man who he said had a gift, the gift to transform lives. In fact this was his exact words to me...... see below,
How do you explain what its like working with Stevie Kidd, to put into words, It’s like lying on top of a high speed train holding on as it screams through a tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at the other side.
So what is it like entering into a coaching relationship with Stevie Kidd, At first I struggled to answer that question. When I first approached Stevie, we decided to meet and have coffee and have a chat, as I started to chat to Stevie, he just sits and listens, he has an incredible ability to really tune in with you immediately in all areas, it really is like a magnetic energy of instant "RAPPORT".
"He simply gets you instantly "
"He has spent many many years studying human behaviour and business all around the world, business world he went to America to learn from 14 Global leaders in business and developed himself through top psychologists around the world"
What initially drew me to Stevie was , One day after training I was sitting having a coffee in David Lloyd, I just could not help but over hear a businessman talk about someone he was working with in a coaching partnership, he described Stevie as a man who had an unbelievable force of energy but a man who he said had a gift, the gift to transform lives. In fact this was his exact words to me...... see below,
How do you explain what its like working with Stevie Kidd, to put into words, It’s like lying on top of a high speed train holding on as it screams through a tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at the other side.
K Morrison Director, Advanced Financial Strategies Ltd
I made the decision to meet Stevie and instantly knew it was right decision to enter into a coaching programme, with Stevie its more than coaching, I still find it hard to explain, yes you meet the man, he sees more in you than you see in yourself, he starts at the end and comes back to present in all areas of what you want to achieve in the coaching partnership. His knowledge in martial arts, his lifetime of own personal development around the world through to knowledge in business along with his own extraordinary life experiences is a great formula for having an amazing coach, its hard for him not to get you instantly.
My advice is simply feel it, see it and hear it for yourself, my satisfaction came from my collogues and loved ones noticing big changes in me in many areas of my life, that motivated me to make this part of my life, you invest - you grow - you flourish, its that simple for me. Here is my testimony of this great guy, I will continue to be coached by Stevie in 2014, not having this support in my life, well cannot imagine life without it.
Stevie is a guy who “gets it”. After meeting you he has the ability to look into the future and take a sneak glimpse of what you could actually achieve. He lives the journey with you as if you have already achieved the goals; it’s as if he is standing at the end of a movie waiting on you allowing you to feel it though every one of your senses. You are then given permission, where you can take a sneak preview of what is above the possible and what is above Excellence. He will take you with him, if you let him, and he also finds ways to get you thinking completely differently, as the bottom line is, it’s your choice if you get it, which I think is the art of great coaching. He sees the bigger picture and has a way of jumping into your world & seeing things that you wouldn't always see, a style which can be thought provoking and challenging for you. He is passionate about people and his energy & enthusiasm are infectious. Very soon after meeting Stevie I had a real sense that he understood what I was trying to achieve. He seemed to be able to jump into my shoes and fast forward to where I want to be then bring it back to the current day and map out all the steps to support me in where we needed to get to, he definitely sees the world differently and I cannot recommend working with him highly enough.
Retail Senior Executive
For more information contact
- How do you explain what its like working with Stevie Kidd, to put into words, It’s like lying on top of a high speed train holding on as it screams through a tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at the other side.Kenneth S. Morrison, Dip PFS, Director, Advanced Financial Strategies Ltd
- How do you explain what its like working with Stevie Kidd, to put into words, It’s like lying on top of a high speed train holding on as it screams through a tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at the other side.Kenneth S. Morrison, Dip PFS, Director, Advanced Financial Strategies Ltd
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
The Pain - Listening to the voices in our head
Stop Listening and putting up with the little negative voices, How do they make you feel?
You have a choice!
Sound familiar, why not act with one Life Coaching session with me, responsible for working with thousands of people including transformation Personal Discovery Journey in
Windsor Castle.Just like these people below all in one days work.......
The Daily internal Voices below that distract you from building a bright future,
"I am stuck"
" I am fed up"
" Why always me"
" This workload is outrageous"
" Where has the time gone"
" Hello, I am here you know"
" You can never have it all"
" How can I never get family and business balance right"
" I cannot take this pressure at home or at work"
" I have no life, I am burned out -- exhausted"
" No one really values or appreciates me, My boss doesn't have a clue of all I am capable of"
" I do not feel especially needed - not at work, by my teenage and grown children, not by my neighbours and community, not by my spouse - except to pay the bills"
" I am frustrated and discouraged"
"I am not making enough to make ends meet, I never seem to get ahead."
"Maybe I just don't have what it takes"
" I am not making a difference"
"I feel empty inside, My life lacks meanings; something missing."
"I am angry, I am scared, I cant afford to lose my job"
"I am lonely"
"I am stressed out, everything s urgent"
" I am micro managed and suffocating"
" I am sick of all the back stabbing politics and kissing up"
" I am bored - just putting in my time - most of my satisfactions come off the job"
" I am just too busy"
" I am under pressure to hit my targets. The pressure to produce is unbelievable, I simply don't have the time or resources to do it all"
" With a partner who doesn't understand, and kids who don't listen, it is no better at home than at work to be honest"
" I cant change things"
These are the voices of people at work and at home. The pain is personal and its deep, you will relate with many statements above, what's most general one for you
These Internal dialogues can be changed for a new world for 2014, the voices in your head can be changed very easily, how you view the reality of your world can and will be changed, until you are completely fed up with your current reality then you will accept and stand up for change.
Book now and experience the change instantly, its easy to stay where you are.... its just about one thing, making better choices and decisions.
Book Now - Change your thoughts, Change your world!
Mobile 07780 333627
“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life twenty years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.” Stevie Kidd
Stop Listening and putting up with the little negative voices, How do they make you feel?
You have a choice!
Sound familiar, why not act with one Life Coaching session with me, responsible for working with thousands of people including transformation Personal Discovery Journey in
Windsor Castle.Just like these people below all in one days work.......
"I am stuck"
" I am fed up"
" Why always me"
" This workload is outrageous"
" Where has the time gone"
" Hello, I am here you know"
" You can never have it all"
" How can I never get family and business balance right"
" I cannot take this pressure at home or at work"
" I have no life, I am burned out -- exhausted"
" No one really values or appreciates me, My boss doesn't have a clue of all I am capable of"
" I do not feel especially needed - not at work, by my teenage and grown children, not by my neighbours and community, not by my spouse - except to pay the bills"
" I am frustrated and discouraged"
"I am not making enough to make ends meet, I never seem to get ahead."
"Maybe I just don't have what it takes"
" I am not making a difference"
"I feel empty inside, My life lacks meanings; something missing."
"I am angry, I am scared, I cant afford to lose my job"
"I am lonely"
"I am stressed out, everything s urgent"
" I am micro managed and suffocating"
" I am sick of all the back stabbing politics and kissing up"
" I am bored - just putting in my time - most of my satisfactions come off the job"
" I am just too busy"
" I am under pressure to hit my targets. The pressure to produce is unbelievable, I simply don't have the time or resources to do it all"
" With a partner who doesn't understand, and kids who don't listen, it is no better at home than at work to be honest"
" I cant change things"
These are the voices of people at work and at home. The pain is personal and its deep, you will relate with many statements above, what's most general one for you
These Internal dialogues can be changed for a new world for 2014, the voices in your head can be changed very easily, how you view the reality of your world can and will be changed, until you are completely fed up with your current reality then you will accept and stand up for change.
Book now and experience the change instantly, its easy to stay where you are.... its just about one thing, making better choices and decisions.
Book Now - Change your thoughts, Change your world!
Mobile 07780 333627
“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life twenty years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.” Stevie Kidd
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Stevie Kidd - "When You Want New Results , It Requires New Thinking"
Power of Results Coaching - Time to get off the blocks for a successful 2014
What if it works for you like the thousands before you?
The best Christmas present you can give yourself or someone else is the the investment you make in YOURSELF to grow and improve the quality of your life. If you did start investing now, where would you start?, what would change for you?, and what stops you from taking that first step?
Skype Coaching - Face to Face Coaching - As your self -are you currently living to the MAX?
Could you be doing MORE?
Are you being challenged? Are you challenging yourself each day?
I believe, no... I know, that every one of us succeeds
in some aspects of our lives but not in all. For example, we can be successful
at work but things at home may be a different matter, sometimes it’s the other
way around. Many of us are successful, to a point, but find it hard to push
through to the next level because we have either lost the confidence or belief which
prevents us from taking the steps required to get there.
In this world of
constant change, with ever increasing demands, our achievements can be quickly
forgotten and our goals seem ever more complicated and hard to reach. However,
they are attainable and those heights we dream of can be reached if we believe
and if we have the right support around us.
The coaching programmes
I have designed are all about supporting you in making the change that you want
to make. They are about identifying what
is important to you and where your priorities lie and then mapping the path to what
defines success for you. It is not about
recognising failure, it is about celebrating your success and then taking the next
These programmes have
been tried and tested over many years and will provide you with the tools you
need to identify and then take that next step.
Here what the people say..............
Picture always tells a story, people finding what they are passionate about.................
Areas Covered
The programme Leading an Extraordinary Life focuses on
the improvement in all 7 areas of life below.
Physical body
Understanding and controlling your
Relationships in your life / the teams
in your life
Spirituality, freedom, fulfilment,
unconditional love, celebration
You cannot experience the true quality of life if
you do not manage all areas of it. As an
example if you try to solve your personal or professional problems without
mastering your emotions you are always going to be at the mercy of life’s
challenges. Having a firm grasp of your
emotions allows you to be proactive rather than reactive to the changes you will
face. It allows you to focus on what is important to you in your work, career
and life and thus create a plan to grow.
Just do It.................................. If you don't do it what are you missing out on for yourself, your family, your friends, Time to get 2014 off the blocks. Biggest investment you can make is in YOURSELF!
Skype Coaching - Face to Face Coaching - Click now and book now to achieve instant results
Monday, 2 December 2013
Stevie Kidd - Non - Executive Director - The secret of a successful business?
Stevie Kidd - Non Executive Director - The secret of a successful business?
It's assumed by many small business owners that a Non Executive Director are the things of big businesses or major corporations, but where companies I partner and support, I can help a business gain experience, knowledge, contacts and ideas as well as constructive criticism and challenge - all of which cannot fail to be of value to a company regardless of its size.
So...what are the benefits of using Stevie Kidd as a NON EXECUTIVE?
Stevie Kidd
A senior executive - with a proven track record in retail
operations, as an MD
delivering government programmes and working with and as a member of boards,
across a spectrum of financial services, retail and consumer services, I work
closely with organisations to deliver the appropriate and respectful level of
challenge - whether this is towards more radical business change,
diversification and growth or more incremental business performance
improvement. At Boots Alliance this was successful post-integration, at City
Bank an executive development programme, at a hotel group I led a financial
rescue and with the Scottish Investment Authority a programme to bring
graduates into financial services.I combine conventional best practice with leadership methods to
stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship to build the momentum for exceptional
results. Today I have a portfolio
of non executive and advisory roles including on the board of one
of Sir Alex Ferguson's charities where I have introduced a youth innovation
Got the t-shirt
I can fill a gap in a business owner's experience or can add industry knowledge of a specific sector the business is targeting. Whatever the reason for the partnership I am very experienced in business and understanding all people within a business,with a respected background over many years across many sectors, I have personally helped a number of businesses find their feet, grow or survive tough times. In the event I am in businesses and do not have the answers or knowledge, I will know someone who has the answer.
Thinking outside the box
I do not work with a business full-time and won't be concerned with day-to-day issues but will instead look at the bigger picture. What is the direction of the business? What is the innovation? What is the tomorrow agenda? Are targets being met? How we measuring the business? What environmental changes might affect the business? Which competitors to watch out for and what are the plans to keep ahead? Who is the customer? What is strategy and vision of business? Do we have right people in right jobs? Are we ahead of business plan?
I always make myself available 24/7 for my customers, my objective is the observer role, the role of working on the business with the leaders/Board and not in the business.
My role is not about me working with the business day to day, I do not engage in office politics, I retain myself to independence. In addition, I will have witnessed many changes sweep over the business sector in the past. All of these factors mean I will have the ability to advise with confidence and make unbiased decisions in the interests of the business.
Connections that count
A successful business is a connected one and a great way of making connections is through networking. However, for a business it can be time consuming and can often prove difficult to build a trusted network of contacts.My involvement in partnering a business, can offer an address book of relevant contacts to go along with their own experience. This could be suppliers, distributors or potential customers to help boost business or a marketing guru or potential partner to add a new dimension to your business.My strategy all my business career is built through relationships and modelling excellence. Who gets the results we want and what is beyond that place of success? What is success to you?
Inspires and supports leadership of the management team/Board, keeping us all on correct path with no emotions.
Many boards become the victims of bad habits; missed agenda items, conversations being side tracked, and opinions being discounted. My role will not only help to keep things on track but can help alleviate tensions and 'put out fires'. Time is important for businesses and meetings need to be specific and to the point.
In fact I can round off a board by not only providing experience and knowledge that other directors may not have, but by being able to take a more objective view of issues affecting the business and offering a wider sense of the possibilities for growth. Bringing creativity, innovation, a healthy tomorrow agenda, challenge, KPIs, visionary Leadership, accelerate growth, sustainable timeline for growth or potential sale.
Conclusion and evidence of recent case studies
Its always about creating that better tomorrow, a sustained business that is fit for that tomorrow agenda. A strategy and vision for the tomorrow agenda. empowering your business and people to align as one team and one vision. Building a business plan and vision,empowering your people to see the vision but understand own personal vision, align that to understanding your customer, your on your way to a fulfilled journey and place of work.
The cost model of acquiring Stevie Kidd as a NON Executive
Its a simple one, companies partner me from 1 to 4 days a month over a timeline, I partner 6 companies per year and cost ranges from £8k to £15k per annum plus expenses depending on days required. Measure your growth opportunity against your investment. I am very motivated and inspired by watching the companies achieve strategy and vision, its that simple, its very fulfilling my job and enlightening. Everything I do is about making a difference.
When we enter into a partnership, we empty the pieces of jigsaw puzzle out onto the table and we put pieces of jigsaw back together, at end of process we discover if we have correct pieces to create the new picture on front of box. So partnering me we enhance the picture on front of the box and ensure we have correct pieces to build this picture. Creating a vision that becomes the reality of the world you want to really create.
Want to find out more about first step to potential partnership that will excel your growth? Visit or simply make a call now ; 07780333627
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Intuition Will Tell The Thinking Mind Where To Look Next
The Question I am always asked is "Which coaching or consultancy partnership do I enter into with you then, How does it all work?" I respond with a question " What do you want to achieve, what's the outcome you want? Response I always get is " I don't know, not sure ? My response " What is it you specifically want?" " What does the end look like and feel like for you or your business?"
"What is important to you?" " What are you passionate about?" " What is it right now that stops you?" " How will you know when you have achieved what you want right now?"
Can you answer these questions today? Do you know where your heading?
This then leads us DISCOVERING the starting line and point of a fruitful journey,its always about the marathon not the sprint, every client or business I partner in the past, or present cannot explain what it is like being on board this journey, if you ask them they just stare into space and then smile followed with a loud laughter, but then explaining,
" I have no idea where to start, until you experience Stevie methodologies in coaching and consulting, that's the only way you will truly understand the changes that are upon you".
"The testimonials people write are amazing but nothing is compared to experiencing the man himself". Its like choosing to stand from a distance and simply watch a roller coaster but then one day you step up and decide I am making a decision to sit on roller coaster now, the day you make this decision your life will change for ever"
I personally know what it is I do, " Its about empowering people to truly discover themselves, for I am just a sign post" Its about people finding that voice" " Its about inspiring others to find that voice" " As finding that voice within you and acting on that voice all changes within you and around you."
Next week I am in London with many people where we source that voice, making changes within themselves and the businesses they lead. My satisfaction comes from them getting busy and starting to live and lead the life of excellence.
The "ONE VOICE" "Shared Vision of values and Strategy" Creating the tomorrow agenda that will clearly be everlasting change.
The best way to inspire people to a superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them,
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come, when people find themselves the ideas coming flooding through like the Reservoir opening up and letting that water flow rapidly.
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer
What the people say .......................
“ Testimonials"
" Its pure genius what he does, no one has his life experiences, that's why he understands everyone's world, greatest investment I ever made, my business is much different as is my life"
" At beginning it was hard to understand his methods, I was going to walk away, now I am glad I stuck around, I reflect consistently on who I was, Who I am, but more focused on who I will become, as that's my measurement when I met Stevie I lived in my head in the past, working with him, he has reversed psychology"
" I have my family back, I now have relationship with my kids that I always dreamed and imagined"
" My business has grown by over 23 percent in 12 months"
“ He empowers you with absolute conviction and with complete passion to get you into that zone, you simply cannot explain that feeling being obsessed with being top of your game"
“ Timeline yourself to remember your core values , values lays your foundations of who you are and who you will become”
“ Mentored me in having the right people close to me that you can trust but who will challenge you”
" We have a more visionary Organisational line of sight now"
" Business Team, We have adequate resources now that gives us freedom to to do all our jobs"
" All Team Measures , Success measures tracked openly and honestly now"
" Since working with our business and our people individually and within groups we have empowered our people to give us more than 250 areas of improvement in our business induction and business processes"
“ My aspirations for me have grown to such a par that I only accept reaching for perfection in all areas of my whole life”
“ Understanding and being made aware that working alongside world class talent and surrounding yourself with people who will take you to greatness is a much smarter way of operating no matter what the logistics are in getting that right person to support you”
" My whole business is now involved in planning for the future, one team, one vision created"
" My organisation has grown 23% and is now consistent that everyday now the culture is simply about improving"
" As Stevie lives by daily I have adopted " I know nothing" " Needs work" " Keep Talking" changed my whole mindset to life just by living these daily beliefs"
" My people were not engaged at all if I am honest, but today and for all the tomorrows, we continue with these practices we will operate as "ONE""
"Out with BUSINESS commitment REMEMBER and get what’s important to you right, getting family part right is vital to getting it all right, I now have this as my daily focus”
Food for thought.................................
When we look through the lens of each others weaknesses, we make others" strengths irrelevant and their weaknesses more evident.
The difference between what we are doing and what were capable of doing would solve most of the worlds problems.

The Question I am always asked is "Which coaching or consultancy partnership do I enter into with you then, How does it all work?" I respond with a question " What do you want to achieve, what's the outcome you want? Response I always get is " I don't know, not sure ? My response " What is it you specifically want?" " What does the end look like and feel like for you or your business?"
"What is important to you?" " What are you passionate about?" " What is it right now that stops you?" " How will you know when you have achieved what you want right now?"
Can you answer these questions today? Do you know where your heading?
This then leads us DISCOVERING the starting line and point of a fruitful journey,its always about the marathon not the sprint, every client or business I partner in the past, or present cannot explain what it is like being on board this journey, if you ask them they just stare into space and then smile followed with a loud laughter, but then explaining,
" I have no idea where to start, until you experience Stevie methodologies in coaching and consulting, that's the only way you will truly understand the changes that are upon you".
"The testimonials people write are amazing but nothing is compared to experiencing the man himself". Its like choosing to stand from a distance and simply watch a roller coaster but then one day you step up and decide I am making a decision to sit on roller coaster now, the day you make this decision your life will change for ever"
I personally know what it is I do, " Its about empowering people to truly discover themselves, for I am just a sign post" Its about people finding that voice" " Its about inspiring others to find that voice" " As finding that voice within you and acting on that voice all changes within you and around you."
Next week I am in London with many people where we source that voice, making changes within themselves and the businesses they lead. My satisfaction comes from them getting busy and starting to live and lead the life of excellence.
The "ONE VOICE" "Shared Vision of values and Strategy" Creating the tomorrow agenda that will clearly be everlasting change.
The best way to inspire people to a superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them,
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come, when people find themselves the ideas coming flooding through like the Reservoir opening up and letting that water flow rapidly.
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer
What the people say .......................
“ Testimonials"
" Its pure genius what he does, no one has his life experiences, that's why he understands everyone's world, greatest investment I ever made, my business is much different as is my life"
" At beginning it was hard to understand his methods, I was going to walk away, now I am glad I stuck around, I reflect consistently on who I was, Who I am, but more focused on who I will become, as that's my measurement when I met Stevie I lived in my head in the past, working with him, he has reversed psychology"
" I have my family back, I now have relationship with my kids that I always dreamed and imagined"
" My business has grown by over 23 percent in 12 months"
“ He empowers you with absolute conviction and with complete passion to get you into that zone, you simply cannot explain that feeling being obsessed with being top of your game"
“ Timeline yourself to remember your core values , values lays your foundations of who you are and who you will become”
“ Mentored me in having the right people close to me that you can trust but who will challenge you”
" We have a more visionary Organisational line of sight now"
" Business Team, We have adequate resources now that gives us freedom to to do all our jobs"
" All Team Measures , Success measures tracked openly and honestly now"
" Since working with our business and our people individually and within groups we have empowered our people to give us more than 250 areas of improvement in our business induction and business processes"
“ My aspirations for me have grown to such a par that I only accept reaching for perfection in all areas of my whole life”
“ Understanding and being made aware that working alongside world class talent and surrounding yourself with people who will take you to greatness is a much smarter way of operating no matter what the logistics are in getting that right person to support you”
" My whole business is now involved in planning for the future, one team, one vision created"
" My organisation has grown 23% and is now consistent that everyday now the culture is simply about improving"
" As Stevie lives by daily I have adopted " I know nothing" " Needs work" " Keep Talking" changed my whole mindset to life just by living these daily beliefs"
" My people were not engaged at all if I am honest, but today and for all the tomorrows, we continue with these practices we will operate as "ONE""
"Out with BUSINESS commitment REMEMBER and get what’s important to you right, getting family part right is vital to getting it all right, I now have this as my daily focus”
Food for thought.................................
When we look through the lens of each others weaknesses, we make others" strengths irrelevant and their weaknesses more evident.
The difference between what we are doing and what were capable of doing would solve most of the worlds problems.

A new Philosophy, a new way of life, is not given for nothing. It has to be paid dearly for and only acquired with much patience and great efforts.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Many People Described This As Event Of The YEAR! - Following on from "Personal Discovery" Windsor Castle Event.
It’s another year on and an
event I Lead once a year is upon us.
November 21st is Day One of
what has been in the past, transformational events. They have been described by
some people as the equivalent of a “Master Class” and “Personal Enhancement
Programme” all in one.
I recommend to my clients to write a wish list to what they wish to leave with after event is completed. I personally meet clients before event to
understand candidates Life map and DNA, we discuss personal wish lists and get an idea
of what they truly want to take from this important investment.
I prefer to let my clients
outline what the experience is like, always better hearing first hand from
previous candidates. I have spent many years learning NLP from Dr Bandler and
John La Valle. I spent my life studying business and human behaviour, which
brings great ingredients for a memorable journey ahead. I deliver two events per year, one in grounds of Windsor Castle and one NLP Enhancement event. The event runs Thursday to Sunday over two weeks due to the intensity of programme. The event is accredited through NLP Society.
I explain to my clients,
this event, is like a Jigsaw puzzle, but our box is much different, as we are
opening up the box to see if we have sufficient jigsaw pieces for our life journey,
and when we look at the front of the box, you will realise our jigsaw boxes has
no picture on front of box. On this journey you are about to embark on, we will create that picture
and ensure we have the correct number of pieces in our box along with tools
that will accelerate us to create the picture of “Our Life we want ”.
Stevie Kidd life work has
transformed people’s lives and for your understanding your true potential, it’s
simple he is the real deal.
Dr Richard Bandler,
Co-founder of NLP
Ways Stevie Kidd and NLP
Can Help You
Discover your true potential
Accelerate your business idea or business
Understanding People and Customers in your business
and workplace.
Create Innovation and Creativity within your Life.
Master your own emotions & run your own mind
Gain ‘instant confidence’ and motivation
Access your unconscious learning ability
Change unwanted behaviours in yourself & others
Remove unnecessary fears & phobias
Create better working relationships
Create more satisfying emotional relationships
Nutrition, Fitness , Yoga, Understanding the Wisdom
of Martial Arts
Wheel of Life
Funding opportunity for
support of this £995 course for NLP Practitioner course November 21st
– Enquire now to find out
further details;
Testimony One
“Stevie gets pretty instant results."
"NLP will help you manage teams more appropriately and get more out of relationships."
"NLP will help you manage teams more appropriately and get more out of relationships."
Executive Coach 4 Minute Testimony Clip.
Testimony Two
Do you explain what it is like working with Stevie Kidd, to put it into words, it’s
like lying on top of a high speed train holding on as it screams through a
tunnel. But the reward is if you hold on long enough the light is blinding at
the other side.
s Morrison DIP PFS, Director, Advanced Financial Strategies Ltd.
Testimony Three
now taken in part in Stevie Kidd’s NLP practitioner training and moving on to
the Leadership event at Windsor Castle, I am fully convinced of his power to
shift mind-sets & change lives. What I have loved about both learning
experiences is how the skills taught, crossover between work & home life.
My own personal experience was great improvement in relationships with all
around me at home & at work. I left an improved human being with an
increased zest for life and feel in total control of the more stretching goals
I now set. More importantly those feelings remain with me now, weeks after the
Kevin Grant,
Manager of Operations, FedEx Express International
Testimony Four
To paraphrase Orwell, all
people are unique but Stevie Kidd is more unique than others! Should you attend
a Stevie Kidd event (and it will be an "event", not a standard
course, trust me) then the energy and intensity from the man will draw you in.
I can guarantee that, unless you're devoid of thought completely, you will not
leave without considering changes that you should make in your life. Whether
you choose to action those changes is up to you.
Stephen Beer, Managing Director, Bridgeall Ltd
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